BIOL Courses
BIOL 11000: Fundamentals Of Biology I
BIOL 11100: Fundamentals Of Biology II
BIOL 11200: Fundamentals Of Biology
BIOL 11300: Fundamentals Of Biology
BIOL 11500: Biology Resource Seminar
BIOL 12100: Biology I: Diversity, Ecology, And Behavior
BIOL 13100: Biology II: Development, Structure, And Function Of Organisms
BIOL 13500: First Year Biology Laboratory
BIOL 14504: First Year Lab: Diet Disease And Immune System-Honors
BIOL 14505: First Year Biology Lab: Phages To Folds-Honors
BIOL 19500: Diet, Dis & Immune Sys-Honors
BIOL 19500: Yr 1 Bio Lab Phges Flds-Honors
BIOL 19700: Biology Freshman Honors Seminar
BIOL 20100: Human Anatomy And Physiology
BIOL 20200: Human Anatomy And Physiology
BIOL 20300: Human Anatomy And Physiology
BIOL 20400: Human Anatomy And Physiology
BIOL 20500: Biology For Elementary School Teachers
BIOL 20600: Biology For Elementary School Teachers
BIOL 22100: Introduction To Microbiology
BIOL 23000: Biology Of The Living Cell
BIOL 23100: Biology III: Cell Structure And Function
BIOL 23200: Laboratory In Biology III: Cell Structure And Function
BIOL 24100: Biology IV: Genetics And Molecular Biology
BIOL 24200: Laboratory In Biology IV: Genetics And Molecular Biology
BIOL 28600: Introduction To Ecology And Evolution
BIOL 29300: Sophomore Seminar: Planning Your Future In Biology
BIOL 29400: Chemical Biology
BIOL 29400: Functional Ecology
BIOL 29400: Neurodegeneration
BIOL 29400: Directed Evolution
BIOL 29400: Population Genetics
BIOL 29400: Cancer Immuno Therapy
BIOL 29400: Zebrafish Brain Development
BIOL 29400: In Situ Virus Structures
BIOL 29400: Primate Dietary Ecology
BIOL 29400: Plant Pathogen Biology
BIOL 29400: Behavioral Neurogenetics
BIOL 29400: Synthesis Of Proteasome Probes
BIOL 29400: Neurobiology Of Memory
BIOL 29400: Axonal Growth & Regeneration
BIOL 29400: Sensory & Behavioral Ecology
BIOL 29400: Axonal Growth And Regeneration
BIOL 29400: Motor Neuroscience
BIOL 29400: K-12 Science Education Resrch
BIOL 29400: Extracellular Matrix Biology
BIOL 29400: Molecular Studies Hematology
BIOL 29400: Wildlife Ecology
BIOL 29400: Animal Behavior In ASD
BIOL 29400: Aquatic Community Ecology
BIOL 29400: Oxidative Stress In CNS Trauma
BIOL 29400: Therapies For Human Diseases
BIOL 29400: Diet-Microbiome Interactions
BIOL 29400: G-Quadruplex And Cancer
BIOL 29400: Nucleic Acid Binding Proteins
BIOL 29400: RNA Editing In Fungi
BIOL 29400: Plant Endomembrane Trafficking
BIOL 29400: Genomic Neuroscience
BIOL 29400: Zebrafish Eye Development
BIOL 29400: Calcium Signaling Molecules
BIOL 29400: Zebrafish Immunology
BIOL 29400: Plant Biochemistry
BIOL 29400: Forensically Relevant Insects
BIOL 29400: Stem Cells And Cancer
BIOL 29400: Breast Cancer Biology
BIOL 29400: Protein Folding
BIOL 29400: Photoreceptor Cell Biology
BIOL 29400: Phosphatases In Cancer
BIOL 29400: Biomechanics & Morphology
BIOL 29400: Cellular Microbiology
BIOL 29400: Nutrition And Cancer
BIOL 29400: Molecular Physiology
BIOL 29400: Biophysical Analysis
BIOL 29400: Microbial Ecology
BIOL 29400: Gastric Infections & Cancer
BIOL 29400: Electrochemistry
BIOL 29400: Agrobacterium-Plant Interactns
BIOL 29400: Genetics & Epidemiology
BIOL 29400: Endometriosis Modeling
BIOL 29400: Ecosystems & Environ Change
BIOL 29400: Biowall Optimization
BIOL 29400: Bioinspired Catalysis
BIOL 29400: Molecular Ecology & Evolution
BIOL 29400: Transposon Silencing In Plants
BIOL 29400: HDX-MS Sample Prep Proteomics
BIOL 29400: From Microbes To Medicine
BIOL 29400: Polyphenols & Disease
BIOL 29400: Cyanobacteria & Bioenergy
BIOL 29400: Nanorod-Enhanced Chemotherapy
BIOL 29400: Computational Biology
BIOL 29400: Bacterial Pathogenesis
BIOL 29400: Protein Bioinformatics
BIOL 29400: Musculoskeletal Biology
BIOL 29400: Evolutionary Microbiology
BIOL 29400: Eukaryotic Genome Evolution
BIOL 29400: Insect Acoustic Behavior
BIOL 29400: Human Motor Control
BIOL 29400: Forest Entomology/Pathology
BIOL 29400: Auditory Neuroscience
BIOL 29400: Soybean Molecular Biology
BIOL 29400: Imaging Of Brain Injury
BIOL 29400: Nanorod-Enchanced Chemotherapy
BIOL 29400: Molecular Evolution
BIOL 29400: Sensorimotor Development
BIOL 29400: Endocytosis & Signaling
BIOL 29400: Membrane Biophysics
BIOL 29400: Comparative Cancer Biology
BIOL 29400: Cryo-Em Macromolecular Complxs
BIOL 29400: Drug Delivery System Design
BIOL 29400: FIC Proteins & Cell Signaling
BIOL 29400: fMRI Of mTBI
BIOL 29400: Optical Control Of Cells
BIOL 29400: Antimicrobial Drug Discovery
BIOL 29400: Antimicrobial Development
BIOL 29400: Applied Cognitive Psychology
BIOL 29400: Antioxidant Biology
BIOL 29400: Protein Dynamics & Function
BIOL 29400: Host Parasite Interactions
BIOL 29400: Immuno-Oncology Drup
BIOL 29400: Cryo-Em Of Macromolec Complex
BIOL 29400: Membrane Proteins In Cancer
BIOL 29400: BioMolecular Form & Function
BIOL 29400: Osteoimmunology Therapeutics
BIOL 29400: FVII Deficiency In Dogs
BIOL 29400: Chromatin And Cell Identity
BIOL 29400: Drug Discovery & Mechanism
BIOL 29400: Biosynthesis Of Antibiotics
BIOL 29400: Inner Ear Development
BIOL 29400: Intestinal Nutrient Absorption
BIOL 29400: Computational Biophysics
BIOL 29400: Spectroscop Imag Living Cells
BIOL 29400: Visual & Behavioral Ecology
BIOL 29400: Spectroscop Imaging Live Cells
BIOL 29400: Implantable Biosensors
BIOL 29400: Endocytosis & Development
BIOL 29400: Immunological Studies
BIOL 29400: Evolutionry Genetics& Genomics
BIOL 29400: Endocytosis And Signaling
BIOL 29400: DNA Methylation Dev & Disease
BIOL 29400: Epigenetic Chemical Biology
BIOL 29400: BioMolecular Form And Function
BIOL 29400: Protein Expression Regulation
BIOL 29400: MicroRNA Therapeutics
BIOL 29400: Adult Stem Cells
BIOL 29400: Ciliate Nuclear Development
BIOL 29400: Wheat/Hessian Fly Interactions
BIOL 29400: Chromatin Regulation & Cancer
BIOL 29400: Energy Balance And Learning
BIOL 29400: Avian Communication
BIOL 29400: Chimpanzee Nutritional Ecology
BIOL 29400: Neural Circuits In Vision
BIOL 29400: Plant Molecular Physiology
BIOL 29400: Host-Pathogen Interactions
BIOL 29400: Ecology & Conservation Biology
BIOL 29400: Attachment Relationships
BIOL 29400: Microbial Protein Structure
BIOL 29400: Environmental Microbiomes
BIOL 29400: Physical Activity & Cognition
BIOL 29400: Neurofunction Biomarkers
BIOL 29400: Plant Pathology
BIOL 29400: Catalytic RNA
BIOL 29400: Vibrational Prosthetic
BIOL 29400: MSK Biomechanics Mechanobiol
BIOL 29400: Immuno-Oncology Drug
BIOL 29400: Cardiovascular Disease Imaging
BIOL 29400: Neurobiology Of Energy Balance
BIOL 29400: Fish And Aquatic Ecology
BIOL 29400: Biobehavioral Development
BIOL 29400: Silence In Communication
BIOL 29400: Protein Experiment/Computation
BIOL 29400: Neural Circuits & Behavior
BIOL 29400: Molecular Mechanism& Inhibtn
BIOL 29400: Virus Replication
BIOL 29400: Reg Of Calcium Signaling
BIOL 29400: Synthesis Anti-Bactrial Molecs
BIOL 29400: Nutrition And Bone
BIOL 29400: Neuroinflammation In Epilepsy
BIOL 29400: Obesity And Breast Cancer
BIOL 29400: Soil-Metal Contminant Interact
BIOL 29400: Single Mol Signal At Membranes
BIOL 29400: Cancer Cell Biology & miRNAs
BIOL 29400: Macromolecular Structuromics
BIOL 29400: Agrobacterium Plant Interact
BIOL 29400: Patient-Physician Communicatn
BIOL 29400: Cancer Cell Biology And MIRNAs
BIOL 29400: 3D Structure Of Macromolecules
BIOL 29400: Nanopartical-Induced Toxicity
BIOL 29400: Measuremnt Austism & Child Dev
BIOL 29400: Psychophysiology
BIOL 29400: Fungal Systematics
BIOL 29400: Development
BIOL 29400: P-Rex1 Characterization
BIOL 29400: Processing Biotech Material
BIOL 29400: Plant Physiology
BIOL 29400: Membranes & Cancer
BIOL 29400: Bacterial Bioluminescence
BIOL 29400: Bacterial Genetics
BIOL 29400: Diet-Microbe Interactions
BIOL 29400: Carbohydrate Chemistry
BIOL 29400: Evolutionary Genetics&Genomics
BIOL 29400: Biophysics Protein Assemblies
BIOL 29400: Systems Biomedicine
BIOL 29400: Neuropharmacology
BIOL 29400: Plant Reproductive Biology
BIOL 29400: Bacterial Pathogens In Soil
BIOL 29400: Antibiotic Target Validation
BIOL 29400: Aquatic Disease Ecology
BIOL 29400: Sleep And Development
BIOL 29400: Genetics Of Complex Disorders
BIOL 29400: Synthetic Biology & Genomics
BIOL 29400: Research In Food Safety
BIOL 29400: Biopsychosocial Research
BIOL 29400: Research In Breast Cancer
BIOL 29400: Plant Biodiversity Research
BIOL 29400: Motor Disorders Research
BIOL 29400: Neuroscience Research
BIOL 29400: Biology Research
BIOL 29400: Parasitology Research
BIOL 29400: Biology Learning Research
BIOL 29400: Pediatric Brain Tumor Research
BIOL 29400: Muscle Stem Cell Research
BIOL 29400: Actin Cytoskeleton Research
BIOL 29400: Soil Quality Research
BIOL 29400: Research In Microbiology
BIOL 29400: Vaccine Research
BIOL 29400: Autoimmune Disease Research
BIOL 29400: Poultry Research I
BIOL 29400: Infectious Disease Research
BIOL 29400: ASD Research
BIOL 29400: Health Disparities Research
BIOL 29400: Biophysics & Energy Research
BIOL 29400: Research In Neurobiology
BIOL 29400: Marine Slug Research
BIOL 29400: Insect Biodiversity Research
BIOL 29400: Reprod/Dev Gamete Cell Biol
BIOL 29500: Intro To Microbiology Lab
BIOL 29500: Teach Fundamentals Biology
BIOL 29500: Teach Principles Of Physiology
BIOL 29500: Teach Microbiology
BIOL 29500: Teaching Macromolecules
BIOL 29500: Teaching Lab In Gen Microbiol
BIOL 29500: Scientific Technical Writing
BIOL 29500: Teach Ecological Statistics
BIOL 29500: Teach Disease Ecology Lab
BIOL 29500: Teach Intro Ecol & Evol
BIOL 29500: Teach Tpcs In Endo & Cancer
BIOL 29500: Sum Intrn: Rsch Molec Genetics
BIOL 29500: Teach Cell Struc & Function
BIOL 29500: Teach Fundmntls Biology
BIOL 29500: Teach Cell Structure&Function
BIOL 29500: Teach Intro Microbiology
BIOL 29500: Teach Human Antmy&Physiology
BIOL 29500: Teach Bio II Dev Str Func
BIOL 29500: Teach Intro Micro Lab
BIOL 29500: Teaching Biology
BIOL 29500: Teach LSAMP Seminar
BIOL 29500: Teach Intro Micro Lecture
BIOL 29500: Teach Freshman Seminar-Honors
BIOL 29500: Teach Neurobiology
BIOL 29500: Teach Laboratory In Ecology
BIOL 29500: Intro To Microbiology
BIOL 29500: Teach Biol Resource Seminar
BIOL 29500: Teach Molecular Biol Cancer
BIOL 29500: Teach First Year Biol Lab
BIOL 29500: Teach Fundamental BIOL II
BIOL 29500: Teach Genetics&Molecular Biol
BIOL 30100: Human Design: Anatomy And Physiology
BIOL 30200: Human Design: Anatomy And Physiology
BIOL 31200: Great Issues Genomics And Society
BIOL 31800: The COVID-19 Pandemic
BIOL 32800: Principles Of Physiology
BIOL 36700: Principles Of Development
BIOL 39300: Preparing For Your Future In Biology
BIOL 39500: Bioanalytical Chemistry
BIOL 39500: The COVID-19 Pandemic
BIOL 39500: Cell Diversity & Evolution
BIOL 39500: Macromolecules
BIOL 39500: The Gene And Human Society
BIOL 39500: The Gene & Human Society
BIOL 39600: Premedical Planning Seminar
BIOL 39699: Professional Practice Internship
BIOL 41500: Introduction To Molecular Biology
BIOL 41600: Viruses And Viral Disease
BIOL 42000: Eukaryotic Cell Biology
BIOL 43600: Neurobiology
BIOL 43800: General Microbiology
BIOL 43900: Laboratory In General Microbiology
BIOL 44100: Biology Senior Seminar In Genetics
BIOL 44212: Microscopy And Cell Biology
BIOL 44400: Human Medical Genetics
BIOL 44600: Molecular Bacterial Pathogenesis
BIOL 47800: Introduction To Bioinformatics
BIOL 47800: Introduction to Bioinformatics
BIOL 48100: Eukaryotic Genetics
BIOL 48300: Great Issues: Environmental And Conservation Biology
BIOL 49400: Forensic Species ID
BIOL 49400: Sleep And Development
BIOL 49400: Cancer Cell Biology & miRNAs
BIOL 49400: Neurodegeneration
BIOL 49400: Equine Asthma Therapy
BIOL 49400: Wearable Biomedical Technology
BIOL 49400: Cellular Microbiology
BIOL 49400: Corn Phenotyping & Genotyping
BIOL 49400: Immuno-oncology Drug
BIOL 49400: Bacterial Pathogens In Soil
BIOL 49400: In Situ Virus Structures
BIOL 49400: Chromatin Regulation & Cancer
BIOL 49400: Neural Circuits In Vision
BIOL 49400: Molecular Evolution
BIOL 49400: HDX-MS Sample Prep Proteomics
BIOL 49400: Microbial Protein Structure
BIOL 49400: Molecular Mech In Diabetes
BIOL 49400: Plant-pathogen Interactions
BIOL 49400: Fundalmental Food & Gut Health
BIOL 49400: Bacterial Synthetic Biology
BIOL 49400: Electrochemistry
BIOL 49400: Microbial Ecology
BIOL 49400: Bioinspired Catalysis
BIOL 49400: Transposon Silencing In Plants
BIOL 49400: Epigenetic Chemical Biology
BIOL 49400: Molecular Ecology & Evolution
BIOL 49400: Diet-Microbe Interactions
BIOL 49400: Biophysical Analysis
BIOL 49400: Neurotechnology
BIOL 49400: Host-Pathogen Interactions
BIOL 49400: Neurofunction Biomarkers
BIOL 49400: Axonal Growth And Regeneration
BIOL 49400: DNA Methylation Dev & Disease
BIOL 49400: Neurobiology Of Energy Balance
BIOL 49400: Spect Imaging Living Cells
BIOL 49400: Signal Transduction & Disease
BIOL 49400: Environmental Microbiomes
BIOL 49400: Mycotoxin Inactivation Resrch
BIOL 49400: Axonal Growth & Regeneration
BIOL 49400: Agrobacterium Plant Interact
BIOL 49400: Cyanobacteria & BioEnergy
BIOL 49400: Forest Entomology/Pathology
BIOL 49400: Synthetic Biology & Genomics
BIOL 49400: Biocatalysis
BIOL 49400: Evolution Of Plant Physiology
BIOL 49400: Live Organ Kidney Donation Res
BIOL 49400: Stem Cells And Cancer
BIOL 49400: Antibiotic Target Validation
BIOL 49400: Plant Cell Morphogenesis
BIOL 49400: Pediatric Public Health
BIOL 49400: Evolution Genetics & Genomics
BIOL 49400: Directed Evolution
BIOL 49400: Catalytic RNA
BIOL 49400: Insect Acoustic Behavior
BIOL 49400: Osteoimmunology Therapeutics
BIOL 49400: Human Nutrition
BIOL 49400: Neural Circuits & Behavior
BIOL 49400: Cellular Longevity
BIOL 49400: Fish And Aquatic Ecology
BIOL 49400: Neural Circuit Coding Of Touch
BIOL 49400: Zebrafish Brain Development
BIOL 49400: Autism Developmental Studies
BIOL 49400: Image Of Brain Injury
BIOL 49400: Organic And Medicinal Chem
BIOL 49400: Drug Delivery System Design
BIOL 49400: Epigenetics Of Devlpmt
BIOL 49400: Forensically Relevant Insects
BIOL 49400: Behavioral Neurogenetics
BIOL 49400: Polyphenols & Disease
BIOL 49400: Antioxidant Biology
BIOL 49400: Trgt Mosquito Serotonin Signal
BIOL 49400: Photoreceptor Cell Biology
BIOL 49400: Acting Staining & Imaging
BIOL 49400: Genetics & Epidemiology
BIOL 49400: Chromatin And Cell Identity
BIOL 49400: Physical Activity & Cognition
BIOL 49400: Nanorod-Enhanced Chemotherapy
BIOL 49400: Plant-Microbe Interactions
BIOL 49400: Metabolic Engineering
BIOL 49400: Protein Experiment/Computation
BIOL 49400: Antiviral Drug Development
BIOL 49400: Plant Systems Biology
BIOL 49400: Plant-Insect Interactions
BIOL 49400: Membranes & Cancer
BIOL 49400: 3D Structure Of Macromolecules
BIOL 49400: Musculoskeletal Biology
BIOL 49400: Gene Delivery Systems
BIOL 49400: Macromolecular Transport
BIOL 49400: Drug Discovery & Mechanism
BIOL 49400: Sensorimotor Development
BIOL 49400: Glucosal Impact On Cells
BIOL 49400: Bacterial Pathogenesis
BIOL 49400: Breast Cancer Biology
BIOL 49400: Molecular Mechanism & Inhibtn
BIOL 49400: Endocytosis & Development
BIOL 49400: Biomechanics & Morphology
BIOL 49400: Spectroscopic Imag Living Cell
BIOL 49400: DNA Sequencing Technology
BIOL 49400: Fungal Systematics
BIOL 49400: Cardiovascular Disease Imaging
BIOL 49400: Plant-Pathogen Interactions
BIOL 49400: Human Motor Control
BIOL 49400: Neural Control Of Circulation
BIOL 49400: Optoporation For Gene Delivery
BIOL 49400: Functional Ecology
BIOL 49400: Agrobacterium-Plant Interactns
BIOL 49400: Protein Tyrosine Phosphatases
BIOL 49400: Bacterial Bioluminescence
BIOL 49400: Nanoparticle-Induced Toxicity
BIOL 49400: Sexual & Reproductive Health
BIOL 49400: Therapies For Human Diseases
BIOL 49400: Machine Lrning In Drug Dvlpmnt
BIOL 49400: Aquatic Toxicology
BIOL 49400: Aquatic Disease Ecology
BIOL 49400: Plant Molecular Physiology
BIOL 49400: Macromolecular Structuromics
BIOL 49400: Inner Ear Development
BIOL 49400: Immunology Parasitic Diseases
BIOL 49400: Behavioral Neuroscience
BIOL 49400: Systems BioMedicine
BIOL 49400: Human Biology & Aging
BIOL 49400: Regulation Calcium Metabolism
BIOL 49400: FVII Deficiency In Dogs
BIOL 49400: Soundscape Ecology
BIOL 49400: Computational Biophysics
BIOL 49400: Cryo-Em Of Macromolec Complex
BIOL 49400: Biobehavioral Development
BIOL 49400: Starch Synthesis In Algae
BIOL 49400: Gastric Infections & Cancer
BIOL 49400: Language Development
BIOL 49400: Avian Communication
BIOL 49400: Carbohydrate Chemistry
BIOL 49400: Neurobiology Of Memor
BIOL 49400: BioPhysical Anaylsis
BIOL 49400: Cell Cycle Regulation
BIOL 49400: Fungal Biology & Therapeutics
BIOL 49400: Nutrition, Metabolism & Health
BIOL 49400: DNA Nanotechnology
BIOL 49400: Genomic Neuroscience
BIOL 49400: Immuno-Oncology Drug
BIOL 49400: BioAnth And Stable Isotopes
BIOL 49400: Ciliate Nuclear Development
BIOL 49400: Zebrafish Immunology
BIOL 49400: Eukaryotic Genome Evolution
BIOL 49400: Cancer Immuno Therapy
BIOL 49400: Attachment Relationships
BIOL 49400: Membrane Biophysics
BIOL 49400: Neurotoxicology
BIOL 49400: Biological Adhesives
BIOL 49400: Visual & Behavioral Ecology
BIOL 49400: Virus Gene Expression
BIOL 49400: G-Quadruplex And Cancer
BIOL 49400: Intestinal Nutrient Absorption
BIOL 49400: Cognitive Neuroscience
BIOL 49400: Human Animal Interaction
BIOL 49400: Extracellular Matrix Biology
BIOL 49400: Student Understanding Bio/Chm
BIOL 49400: Host Parasite Interactions
BIOL 49400: Phosphatases In Cancer
BIOL 49400: Virus Replication
BIOL 49400: Endocytosis & Signaling
BIOL 49400: Diet And The Microbiome
BIOL 49400: New Antimicrobial Agents
BIOL 49400: Comparative Cancer Biology
BIOL 49400: Ecosystems & Environ Change
BIOL 49400: Animal Behavior & Welfare
BIOL 49400: Plant Biochemistry
BIOL 49400: Tendon Biology
BIOL 49400: Plant Genetics & Genomics
BIOL 49400: Reg Of Calcium Signaling
BIOL 49400: Educational Assessment Science
BIOL 49400: Nutrition And Bone
BIOL 49400: K-12 Science Education Resrch
BIOL 49400: Poultry Management & Welfare
BIOL 49400: Zebrafish Eye Development
BIOL 49400: Physiology Of Fruit Crops
BIOL 49400: Rsch In Clinical Cardiology
BIOL 49400: Psychophysiology
BIOL 49400: Role Of Phosphorylation
BIOL 49400: Animal Behavior And Welfare
BIOL 49400: Cellular Neuroengineering
BIOL 49400: Radiation Biology
BIOL 49400: Membrane Proteins In Cancer
BIOL 49400: From Microbes To Medicine
BIOL 49400: Early Childhood Development
BIOL 49400: Nucleic Acid Binding Proteins
BIOL 49400: Calcium Signaling Molecules
BIOL 49400: Chemical Biology
BIOL 49400: Urban & Forest Ecosystem Ecol
BIOL 49400: Protein Bioinformatics
BIOL 49400: Animal Behavior In ASD
BIOL 49400: Memory And Cognitive Control
BIOL 49400: Population Genetics
BIOL 49400: Biophysics Protein Assemblies
BIOL 49400: Genetics Of Complex Disorders
BIOL 49400: Patient-Physician Communicatn
BIOL 49400: Neuropharmacology
BIOL 49400: Sensory & Behavioral Ecology
BIOL 49400: Neuroinflammation In Epilepsy
BIOL 49400: Protein Dynamics & Function
BIOL 49400: Wheat/Hessian Fly Interactions
BIOL 49400: Single Mol Signal At Membranes
BIOL 49400: Top Down Mass Spectrometry
BIOL 49400: Malaria Blood Cell Separation
BIOL 49400: Processing Biotech Materials
BIOL 49400: Balance And Mobility
BIOL 49400: Processing Biotech Material
BIOL 49400: Fish & Aquatic Ecology
BIOL 49400: Plant Pathology
BIOL 49400: Neurobiology Of Memory
BIOL 49400: Protein Engineering
BIOL 49400: Applied Cognitive Psychology
BIOL 49400: Multi-Species Interaction
BIOL 49400: Lipids In Health And Disease
BIOL 49400: Aquatic Community Ecology
BIOL 49400: Phage Therapy
BIOL 49400: Immunological Studies
BIOL 49400: Biomechanics Of Cancer
BIOL 49400: Aphasia Rehabilitation
BIOL 49400: Heat Therapy In Aging
BIOL 49400: Pharmacology Of GPCRs
BIOL 49400: P-Rex I Characterization
BIOL 49400: Biophysics Of Stochastic Cells
BIOL 49400: Molecular Studies Hematology
BIOL 49400: Neuronal Differentiation
BIOL 49400: Bacterial Genetics
BIOL 49400: Plant Reproductive Biology
BIOL 49400: Child Eating Behvr & Hlth Res
BIOL 49400: Tendon Development In Mice
BIOL 49400: Crystallization Systems Design
BIOL 49400: Microbil Ecology
BIOL 49400: Cancer Cell Biology And MIRNAs
BIOL 49400: Pharmaceutical Formulation
BIOL 49400: Biotech Rrsch Of Sustnble Fuel
BIOL 49400: Implantable Biosensors
BIOL 49400: Auditory Neuroscience
BIOL 49400: MicroRNA Therapeutics
BIOL 49400: Fermentation Science
BIOL 49400: Energy Balance And Learning
BIOL 49400: Medicinal Chemistry
BIOL 49400: Microbiome And Health
BIOL 49400: Nutrition, Obesity & Cancer
BIOL 49400: Clinical Audiology Topics
BIOL 49400: FIC Proteins & Cell Signaling
BIOL 49400: Adult Stem Cells
BIOL 49400: Blood-Brain Barrier Biology
BIOL 49400: Plant Stem Cells
BIOL 49400: Obesity And Breast Cancer
BIOL 49400: Soybean Molecular Biology
BIOL 49400: Molecular-Guided Radiotherapy
BIOL 49400: Oxidative Stress In CNS Trauma
BIOL 49400: BioMolecular Form And Function
BIOL 49400: Mycotoxin Inactivation Rsch
BIOL 49400: Evolutionary Microbiology
BIOL 49400: Synthesis Anti-Bactrial Molecs
BIOL 49400: Honey Bee Pest Ecology
BIOL 49400: Neurobiology Of Addiction
BIOL 49400: Evolutnary Genetics & Genomics
BIOL 49400: Single Mol Signal Membranes
BIOL 49400: Computational Biology
BIOL 49400: Synthesis Of Proteasome Probes
BIOL 49400: Cryo-EM Macromolecular Complxs
BIOL 49400: Gut Microbiome & Drug Therapy
BIOL 49400: Antimicrobial Development
BIOL 49400: Plant Disease Resistance
BIOL 49400: Biochemical Research
BIOL 49400: Autoimmune Disease Research
BIOL 49400: Soil Quality Research
BIOL 49400: Women's Health Research
BIOL 49400: Infectious Disease Research
BIOL 49400: Orthopaedic Research
BIOL 49400: Research In Breast Cancer
BIOL 49400: Health Sciences Research
BIOL 49400: Biology Research
BIOL 49400: Probiotic Poultry Research
BIOL 49400: Wildlife Research
BIOL 49400: Research In Microbiology
BIOL 49400: Poultry Research I
BIOL 49400: Biophysics & Energy Research
BIOL 49400: Autism Treatment Research
BIOL 49400: Avian UAV Research
BIOL 49400: K-12 Science Edu Research
BIOL 49400: Aquatic Ecology Research
BIOL 49400: Plant Biodiversity Research
BIOL 49400: Motor Disorders Research
BIOL 49400: Marine Slug Research
BIOL 49400: Equine Orthopedic Research
BIOL 49400: Relationships Research
BIOL 49400: Motor Control Research
BIOL 49400: Parkinson's Disease Research
BIOL 49400: Research In Psychopathology
BIOL 49400: Biology Learning Research
BIOL 49400: Health Disparities Research
BIOL 49400: Cognitive Control Research
BIOL 49400: Vaccine Research
BIOL 49400: Actin Cytoskeleton Research
BIOL 49400: Swine Research
BIOL 49400: Research In Food Safety
BIOL 49400: MRS Research
BIOL 49400: Neurotoxicity Research
BIOL 49400: Research In Neurobiology
BIOL 49400: Biopsychosocial Research
BIOL 49400: Neuroscience Research
BIOL 49400: Research In Social Behavior
BIOL 49400: Drug Addiction Research
BIOL 49400: Health Science Research
BIOL 49400: Insect Biodiversity Research
BIOL 49400: Biotechnology Research
BIOL 49400: Research On Violence
BIOL 49400: ASD Research
BIOL 49400: Fungal Biol & Drug Resistance
BIOL 49400: Reprod/Dev Gamete Cell Biol
BIOL 49500: Biodiversity & Museum Research
BIOL 49500: Data Science For Biologists
BIOL 49500: Research In Animal Behavior
BIOL 49500: Visual Ecol & Bird Bhavr Rsrch
BIOL 49500: Teach Microbiology Lab
BIOL 49500: Teach Fundamentals Biology
BIOL 49500: Special Assignments
BIOL 49500: Teach Sophomore Seminar
BIOL 49500: Teach Sopohmore Seminar
BIOL 49500: Energy Transduction In Society
BIOL 49500: Data Science: Good Versus Bad
BIOL 49500: Tpcs In Endocrinology & Cancer
BIOL 49500: RNA World:CRISPR & Coronavirus
BIOL 49700: Biology Honors Seminar
BIOL 49800: Teach Biology Fundmntls
BIOL 49800: Teach Human Antmy & Physiol
BIOL 49800: Teach Bio II Dev Str Func
BIOL 49800: Teach Fundamentals Biology II
BIOL 49800: Teach Intro Microbiology Lec
BIOL 49800: Teach Human Antmy & Physiology
BIOL 49800: Teach Tpcs In Endo & Cancer
BIOL 49800: Teach Lab In Ecology
BIOL 49800: Teach Microbiology
BIOL 49800: Teach Neurobiology
BIOL 49800: Teach Disease Ecology Lab
BIOL 49800: Teach Cell Biology
BIOL 49800: Teach Cell Structure&Function
BIOL 49800: Teach First Year Biology Lab
BIOL 49800: Teach Principles Of Physiology
BIOL 49800: Teach Fundamentals Biology
BIOL 49800: Teach Biology Resource Seminar
BIOL 49800: Teach Intro To Ecol & Evol
BIOL 49800: Teach Intro Microbiology Lab
BIOL 49800: Ind Study Biology Teaching
BIOL 49800: Teach Fundamentals Biol II
BIOL 49800: Teach First Year Biol Lab
BIOL 49800: Teach Genetics&Molecular Biol
BIOL 49800: Teach Molecular Biol Cancer
BIOL 49800: Teach Biol Fresh Honr
BIOL 49800: Teach Biol Elem School Teacher
BIOL 49900: Biology Honors Thesis Research
BIOL 51101: Intro To X-Ray Crystallography
BIOL 51202: Methods And Measures In Biophysical Chemistry
BIOL 51600: Molecular Biology Of Cancer
BIOL 52900: Bacterial Physiology
BIOL 52905: Disease Ecology
BIOL 53300: Medical Microbiology
BIOL 53601: Biological And Structural Aspects Of Drug Design And Action
BIOL 53700: Immunobiology
BIOL 53800: Molecular, Cellular, And Developmental Neurobiology
BIOL 54100: Molecular Genetics Of Bacteria
BIOL 54200: Lab In Neurophysiology
BIOL 54900: Microbial Ecology
BIOL 55001: Eukaryotic Molecular Biology
BIOL 55101: Theory Of Molecular Methods
BIOL 55900: Endocrinology
BIOL 56200: Neural Systems
BIOL 56310: Protein Bioinformatics
BIOL 58000: Evolution
BIOL 58210: Ecological Statistics
BIOL 58601: Ecology
BIOL 58602: Laboratory In Ecology
BIOL 58705: Animal Communication
BIOL 59100: Field Ecology
BIOL 59200: The Evolution Of Behavior
BIOL 59500: Data Analysis In Neuroscience
BIOL 59500: Building The Tree Of Life
BIOL 59500: Water Supply In Dev Countries
BIOL 59500: X-Ray Crystallography
BIOL 59500: Structural Biology Lab
BIOL 59500: Laboratory In Ecology
BIOL 59500: Pathwys Human Health & Disease
BIOL 59500: Ecology
BIOL 59500: Theory Of Molecular Methods
BIOL 59500: Bacteria In Cancer Dis& Preven
BIOL 59500: Membrane Proteins
BIOL 59500: Disease Ecology
BIOL 59500: Cell Biology Of Plants
BIOL 59500: Molecular Virology
BIOL 59500: Practical Bio Comput
BIOL 59500: CRISPR Mechanism & App
BIOL 59500: Bio Techg Meths Secondary Schl
BIOL 59500: CryoEM 3D Reconstruction
BIOL 59500: Genetics Omics Host Microbe
BIOL 59500: Meth Meas Biophys Chem
BIOL 59500: Immun Of Cancer & Infect Dis
BIOL 59500: Neurobiol Learning & Memory
BIOL 59500: Introduction To Bioinformatics
BIOL 60000: Bioenergetics
BIOL 60200: Cellular Neurobiology
BIOL 62000: Advanced Topics In Eukaryotic Cell Biology
BIOL 65200: Advanced Ecology Discussion
BIOL 66200: Seminar Methods And Professional Development I
BIOL 66300: Seminar Methods And Professional Development II
BIOL 69100: Biological Research Methods
BIOL 69500: Data Science For Biologists
BIOL 69500: Synthesizing Concepts In EEB
BIOL 69500: Bio-Comp Vis & Mcrspy Im Anlys
BIOL 69500: Communicating Concepts In EEB
BIOL 69500: Professional Pract Internship
BIOL 69500: Reading In Sensory Biology
BIOL 69500: Field Work On Vocal Behavior
BIOL 69500: Molecular Virology I
BIOL 69500: Professional Writing In Bio Ed
BIOL 69500: Neurological Disorders Seminar
BIOL 69500: Microscopy For Life Scientists
BIOL 69500: Membrane: Struct/Fnctn
BIOL 69500: Tchg Asst Prof Development
BIOL 69500: Frontiers In Biophysics Seminr
BIOL 69500: Biophysics Grant Writing
BIOL 69500: Biology Education Research Sem
BIOL 69500: Structural Biol Rsrch Seminar
BIOL 69500: Structural Biol Research Sem
BIOL 69500: Writing In Ecology & Evol Biol
BIOL 69600: Ecology And Evolution Seminar
BIOL 69600: Eco-Lunch Seminar
BIOL 69600: Membrane Protein SuperComplexs
BIOL 69600: Cell And Molecular Biology
BIOL 69600: Frnt Struc Biol& Molec Biophys
BIOL 69800: Research MS Thesis
BIOL 69900: Research PhD Thesis
is an
unofficial catalog
for Purdue courses made by Purdue students,
based in
West Lafayette, Indiana
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