MSE Courses
MSE 19000: Introduction To Materials Engineering
MSE 23000: Structure And Properties Of Materials
MSE 23500: Materials Properties Laboratory
MSE 25000: Physical Properties In Engineering Systems
MSE 26000: Thermodynamics Of Materials
MSE 27000: Atomistic Materials Science
MSE 29199: Cooperative Experience I
MSE 29299: Cooperative Experience II
MSE 33000: Processing And Properties Of Materials
MSE 33500: Materials Characterization Laboratory
MSE 34000: Transport Phenomena
MSE 36700: Materials Processing Laboratory
MSE 37000: Electrical, Optical, And Magnetic Properties Of Materials
MSE 38199: Professional Practice Co-Op I
MSE 38200: Mechanical Response Of Materials
MSE 38299: Professional Practice Co-Op II
MSE 38399: Professional Practice Co-Op III
MSE 39000: Materials Engineering Seminar
MSE 39399: Cooperative Experience III
MSE 39499: Extensive Cooperative Experience IV
MSE 39599: Extensive Cooperative Experience V
MSE 39699: Professional Practice Internship
MSE 42000: Structure And Properties Of Organic Materials
MSE 43000: Materials Processing And Design I
MSE 44000: Materials Processing And Design II
MSE 44500: Materials Engineering Systems Analysis And Design
MSE 49700: Semicondctr Manufacturing Lab
MSE 49700: Intro Packng & Hetero Intgrtn
MSE 49700: Python For Materials Data Sci
MSE 49900: Independent Research
MSE 50200: Defects In Solids
MSE 50800: Phase Transformations In Solids
MSE 51000: Microstructural Characterization Techniques
MSE 51200: Powder Processing
MSE 51700: Materials For Hypersonics
MSE 51800: Failure Analysis
MSE 52000: Steel And Aluminum Alloys: Processing, Structure And Properties
MSE 52300: Physical Ceramics
MSE 52400: Mechanical Behavior Of Polymers
MSE 52500: Struct-Property Relationships Of Engineering Polymers
MSE 52700: Introduction To Biomaterials
MSE 53000: Materials Processing In Manufacturing
MSE 53100: Quantitative Analysis Of Microstructure
MSE 53500: Lean Manufacturing Of Materials
MSE 53600: Solidification Of Castings
MSE 54700: Introduction To Surface Science
MSE 54800: Deposition Processing Of Thin Films And Coatings
MSE 55000: Properties Of Solids
MSE 55500: Deformation Mechanisms In Crystalline Solids
MSE 55600: Fracture Of Materials
MSE 55900: Phase Equilibria In Multicomponent Systems
MSE 56000: The Production Of Inorganic Materials
MSE 56200: Soft Materials
MSE 56700: Polymer Synthesis
MSE 56800: Additive Manufacturing Of Materials
MSE 57000: Introduction To Materials Modeling And Informatics
MSE 57400: Sports Engineering And Entrepreneurship
MSE 57600: Corrosion
MSE 57700: Materials Science Of Rechargeable Batteries
MSE 58500: Magnetic Materials: Physical Properties And Applications
MSE 58600: Experimental Characterization Of Advanced Composite Materials
MSE 58900: Archaeology And Materials
MSE 59700: Superalloys
MSE 59700: Intro To Ele Pkg & Hetero Intg
MSE 59700: Simulation Of Hi Temp Coating
MSE 59700: Modern Technology In Sports
MSE 59700: Soft Material Mechanics
MSE 59700: Independent Study VSMpy
MSE 59700: ML For Perovskite Materials
MSE 59700: Predictive Analytics In Sports
MSE 59700: Phase Field Simulations
MSE 59700: Deformation Processing
MSE 59700: Steel & AL: Process-Properties
MSE 59700: Magnetic Materials
MSE 59700: Micro Prop Reltn Irradia Matls
MSE 59700: Kinetics Of Materials
MSE 59700: Matl Sci Recharge Batteries
MSE 59700: Mtls Sci Rechargable Batteries
MSE 59700: Polymer & Comp Processing
MSE 59700: Rechargable Batteries
MSE 59700: Sports Techn & Entrepreneurshp
MSE 59700: Mag Matls Nano Fund Prop&Appl
MSE 59700: Structure Dev Polymer Prcsg
MSE 59700: Failure Analysis
MSE 59700: Intro To Computational Matls
MSE 59700: Dislocation Dynamics
MSE 59700: Sustainable Electronics
MSE 59700: Hypersonics
MSE 59700: Modeling&Simulation Materials
MSE 59700: Sports Engr Capstone Project
MSE 59700: Exp Charctrztn Adv Compt Matrl
MSE 59700: Archeology & Materials Science
MSE 59700: Solid State Materials
MSE 59700: Sports
MSE 59700: High Temperature Corrosion
MSE 59700: Mechan Prop & Behavior Polymer
MSE 59700: Additive Mfg Of Materials
MSE 64000: Transmission Electron Microscopy And Crystal Imperfections
MSE 67000: Atomistic View of Materials: Theory, Modeling And Simulations
MSE 69000: Seminar In Materials Engineering
MSE 69600: Graduate Professional Practice
MSE 69700: Materls Engr Teach Experience
MSE 69700: Matls Engr Teach Exper
MSE 69700: Almen Strip Process & Eval II
MSE 69700: Soft Material Mechanics
MSE 69700: Powder Characterize Research
MSE 69700: Supercapacitor Electrodes 2
MSE 69700: Electrolytes Design
MSE 69700: Almen Strip Processing & Eval
MSE 69700: Heat Treatment Of Steels
MSE 69700: Manufacturing Of Coating
MSE 69700: Foodborne Pathongen Detctn I
MSE 69700: Packaging Materials
MSE 69700: Almen Strip Proc Eval
MSE 69700: Safer-solid State Batteries
MSE 69700: Powder Flow Dynamics
MSE 69700: Freestanding Nitride Thin Film
MSE 69700: Foodborne Pathongen Detctn II
MSE 69700: Characterizing Cast Porosity
MSE 69700: DFT On Semiconductors
MSE 69700: Shot Peening Of Weldments #1
MSE 69700: Data Driven Materials Design
MSE 69700: Surface Analysis
MSE 69700: Supercapacitor Electrodes
MSE 69700: Atom View Matls: Modl & Simul
MSE 69700: Mtrls In Extreme Environments
MSE 69700: High Temperature Corrosion
MSE 69700: Matls In Extreme Environments
MSE 69700: MSE-coatings
MSE 69800: Research MS Thesis
MSE 69900: Research PhD Thesis
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for Purdue courses made by Purdue students,
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