EDCI Courses
EDCI 20002: Special Populations Seminar: English Language Learners And Students With Gifts And Talents
EDCI 20500: Exploring Teaching As A Career
EDCI 20700: Construction And Textile Lab Management
EDCI 21000: Educ Scholar Program I-Honors
EDCI 21100: Education Scholars II
EDCI 21100: Education Scholars II-Honors
EDCI 21510: Language & Literacy Foundations For Teachers
EDCI 21610: Teaching History: Standards And Strategies
EDCI 21710: Teaching Geography: Standards And Strategies
EDCI 21810: Teaching Civics And Government: Standards And Strategies
EDCI 21910: Teaching For Economic Literacy: Developing An Economic Way Of Thinking
EDCI 22200: Knowing The World Through Mathematics
EDCI 22550: Mathematics Education Seminar
EDCI 25000: Professional Development In Family And Consumer Sciences Education
EDCI 27000: Introduction To Educational Technology And Computing
EDCI 28500: Multiculturalism And Education
EDCI 30101: Inquiry Into Teaching And Learning In K-2
EDCI 30102: Inquiry Into Teaching And Learning In 3-6
EDCI 30900: Reading In Middle And Secondary Schools: Methods And Problems
EDCI 31100: Media For Children
EDCI 31101: Integrating Media In The K-2 Classroom
EDCI 31102: Integrating Media In The 3-6 Classroom
EDCI 31950: Approaches To English Learner Education
EDCI 32250: Physical Education In The Elementary School
EDCI 32500: Literacy In The Primary Classroom
EDCI 32500: Literacy In The Early Childhood Classroom
EDCI 32501: Teaching Literacy In K-2
EDCI 32600: Literacy In The Intermediate Classroom
EDCI 32602: Teaching Literacy In 3-6
EDCI 32650: Introduction To Linguistics And Language Acquisition In Education
EDCI 33500: Reading Instruction For Tier 1 And Tier 2
EDCI 35000: Community Issues & Applications For Educators
EDCI 35001: Tanzania Seminar
EDCI 35600: Career Education In Family And Consumer Sciences
EDCI 35950: Content Area Instruction For English Learners
EDCI 36000: Curriculum And Instruction In Family And Consumer Sciences: Middle School
EDCI 36100: Social Studies In The Elementary School
EDCI 36101: Teaching Social Studies In K-2
EDCI 36102: Teaching Social Studies In 3-6
EDCI 36300: Literacy In The Elementary School II
EDCI 36303: Literacy Teaching And Assessment In K-6
EDCI 36400: Mathematics In The Elementary School
EDCI 36401: Teaching Mathematics In K-2
EDCI 36402: Teaching Mathematics In Grades 3-6
EDCI 36500: Science In The Elementary School
EDCI 36501: Teaching Science Through Design In Grades K-2
EDCI 36502: Teaching Science Through Design In Grades 3-6
EDCI 37001: Teaching And Learning English As A New Language
EDCI 37001: Teaching English Learners In The Elementary School
EDCI 38100: Teaching For Social Justice: Culturally And Linguistically Diverse Learners
EDCI 42100: The Teaching Of Biology In Secondary Schools
EDCI 42200: The Teaching Of English In Secondary Schools
EDCI 42300: The Teaching Of Social Studies In Secondary Schools
EDCI 42400: The Teaching Of Earth And Physical Science In The Secondary Schools
EDCI 42500: Teaching Of Mathematics In Secondary Schools
EDCI 42500: Teaching Of Secondary Mathematics
EDCI 42600: Teaching Mathematics In The Middle And Junior High School
EDCI 42600: Teaching Of Secondary Mathematics
EDCI 42700: Teaching Of World Languages
EDCI 42800: Teaching Science In The Middle And Junior High School
EDCI 43300: Advanced Social Studies Methods
EDCI 43300: The Teaching Of Social Studies In Junior High/Middle School
EDCI 43400: Literacy Teaching And Learning In Secondary Schools
EDCI 44400: Methods For Teaching Family And Consumer Sciences
EDCI 45200: Global Studies Seminar
EDCI 49000: Elem Stdt Tchg Res Pilot
EDCI 49000: Intern In Career & Techncl Edu
EDCI 49000: Mentorship And Collaboration
EDCI 49000: Individual Study
EDCI 49000: Eng Dsgn Elem
EDCI 49000: K-12 Sci & Engr Integration
EDCI 49000: Teaching Biology
EDCI 49000: Integrated STEM Teaching K-12
EDCI 49000: Global Social Justice In Edu
EDCI 49000: Global Social Justice In Ed
EDCI 49000: Tanzania Learning Community
EDCI 49000: Prof Writing Sec Math Teachers
EDCI 49000: Mathematics Education Seminar
EDCI 49000: Transcult Persp On Incl & Div
EDCI 49200: Honors Scholarly Project Capstone
EDCI 49600: Student Teaching In The Elementary School
EDCI 49601: Elementary Education Expanded Student Teaching
EDCI 49601: Elementary Education Student Teaching Residency
EDCI 49800: Supvsd Tch In Math Ed
EDCI 49800: Supvsd Tech Of Engl Ed
EDCI 49800: Supv Tch Soc Std Ed
EDCI 49800: Supv Tch Science Ed
EDCI 49800: Supv Tch World Language
EDCI 49800: Supvsd Tch Of Agr Educ
EDCI 49800: Supvsd Tch Tech Educ
EDCI 49800: Supv Tch Foreign Lang
EDCI 49800: Supv Tch Physics Ed
EDCI 49800: Supvsd Tch Elem Art Ed
EDCI 49800: Supv Tch Erth/Spac Sci
EDCI 49800: Supv Tch Mid Sch FACS
EDCI 49800: Supvsd Tch Sec Art Ed
EDCI 49800: Supv Tch Life Sci Ed
EDCI 49800: Supv Tch Chem Ed
EDCI 49800: Supv Tch High Sch FACS
EDCI 50000: Foundations Of Literacy
EDCI 50600: Environmental Education
EDCI 51000: Colloquium In Science And Mathematics Education
EDCI 51300: Foundations Of Learning Design And Technology
EDCI 51600: Seminar In Environmental Education
EDCI 51700: Survey Of Science Education
EDCI 51800: The Nature Of Science In Science Teaching
EDCI 51900: Teaching English Language Learners
EDCI 53100: Learning Theories And Instructional Design
EDCI 53400: Teaching And Learning Geometry And Measurement
EDCI 53900: Introduction To K-12 Integrated Science, Technology, Engineering And Mathematics (STEM) Education
EDCI 54100: Contemporary Issues In Career And Technical Education
EDCI 54300: Instruction In Career And Technical Education
EDCI 54501: Teaching STEM Through Agriculture, Food, And Natural Resources
EDCI 55600: Educational Video Game Design
EDCI 55800: Integrated Science, Technology, Engineering And Mathematics (STEM) Education Methods-Secondary
EDCI 55850: Introduction To Teaching Engineering And Technology Design In The Context Of K-12 Integrated STEM
EDCI 56500: Principles Of Adult Education
EDCI 56700: Action Research In Science Education
EDCI 56900: Introduction To E-Learning
EDCI 57200: Introduction To Learning Systems Design
EDCI 57300: Instructional Development Practicum
EDCI 58000: Foundations Of Curriculum
EDCI 58500: Multicultural Education
EDCI 58600: Topics In Educational Reform
EDCI 58800: Motivation And Instructional Design
EDCI 59000: AI In STEM Inquiry
EDCI 59000: Science/STEM Grad Seminar
EDCI 59000: K-12 STEM Teacher Induction
EDCI 59000: Transcultural Inclusion
EDCI 59000: Individual Research Problem
EDCI 59000: Exp Math Curric In Doc Progrms
EDCI 59000: LDT Seminar
EDCI 59000: Framework For Enskilment
EDCI 59000: Social Studies Edu Literature
EDCI 59000: Assesmnt Career & Tech Ed
EDCI 59000: Civic Performance Correlation
EDCI 59000: Pedagogy Of Care
EDCI 59000: Civics And Charter Schooling
EDCI 59000: AR As A Methdlgy
EDCI 59000: Fac Intercultural Learning
EDCI 59000: Language Ideology Lit Review
EDCI 59000: Writing In Math Ed
EDCI 59000: Qualitative Analysis Project
EDCI 59000: Learning To Teach Science Meth
EDCI 59000: Res Online Lrn & Tching Lang
EDCI 59000: Intercultural Development
EDCI 59000: Tchng Soc Studies In Prim Sch
EDCI 59000: Intercultural Learning Theory
EDCI 59000: Multiculturalism In SS Ed
EDCI 59000: Advanced Social Studies Res
EDCI 59000: Social Studies Methods In Sec
EDCI 59000: Narrative & Ethnographic In Ed
EDCI 59000: Literacy Across Content Areas
EDCI 59000: Critical Thinking In SciEd
EDCI 59000: Secondary Literacy
EDCI 59000: Sci STEM Edu Grad Seminar
EDCI 59000: SocialStudies Edu MS Portfolio
EDCI 59000: Dir Stdy Colr Image Research
EDCI 59000: Knowing The World Through Math
EDCI 59000: Family Language Policies DLI
EDCI 59000: Organiz And Admin Of CTE
EDCI 59000: Study Abroad Assessment
EDCI 59000: Individual Research Problems
EDCI 59000: Research In Science Education
EDCI 59000: Transcult Persp On Incl & Div
EDCI 59000: Global Social Justice In Ed
EDCI 59000: Global Social Justice In Edu
EDCI 59100: Data Collection And Analysis
EDCI 59100: Integrated STEM K-12
EDCI 59100: Engl Sec Lng/Theor Fnd
EDCI 59100: Culturally Teaching
EDCI 59100: Artificial Intell In STEM Educ
EDCI 59100: Fundamentals Of AI & Cognition
EDCI 59100: CrossCultural Sci Ed Res Pract
EDCI 59100: Scaff In Online Env
EDCI 59100: Digital Fabrication
EDCI 59100: Writing Lit Reviews
EDCI 59100: Intro To Tchg Eng&Tech Design
EDCI 59100: Grant Writing For Ed Rsrch
EDCI 59100: Qualitative Data Collection
EDCI 59100: Instructional Coach & Rsrch
EDCI 59100: Publishing Research In LDT
EDCI 59100: Writing Research Proposals
EDCI 59100: Research And Instr Coaching
EDCI 59100: Social Theory For Education
EDCI 59600: Pedagogy I: Introductory Methods For Secondary Education Transition To Teaching Program
EDCI 61200: Gentrifying Dual Language
EDCI 61200: Bilingualism & Multilingualism
EDCI 61200: Literacy Research Methods
EDCI 61450: Seminar In Bilingualism And Multilingualism
EDCI 61500: Qualitative Research Methods In Education
EDCI 61600: Qualitative Data Collection And Analysis In Educational Research
EDCI 61800: Gender And Culture In Science Education
EDCI 61900: Learning Science
EDCI 62000: Dev Math Ed Researcher
EDCI 62000: Develop As An Academic Writer
EDCI 62200: Place Based Tching & Learning
EDCI 62700: Edu Software Design
EDCI 62700: LDT Readings
EDCI 62700: Educ Software Design
EDCI 62700: Comm Of Inquiry And ID
EDCI 62700: Design-Based Research Of TiBOT
EDCI 62700: Foundational Readings In LDT
EDCI 63500: Content And Goals In Mathematics Education
EDCI 63600: The Learning Of Mathematics: Insights And Issues
EDCI 63700: The Teaching Of Mathematics: Insights And Issues
EDCI 63800: Curriculum And Instruction Doctoral Seminar II
EDCI 64500: Organization And Administration Of Career And Technical Education
EDCI 64700: Research In Career And Technical Education
EDCI 64800: Curriculum In Career And Technical Education
EDCI 64900: Assessment In Career And Technical Education
EDCI 65000: Program Evaluation In Career And Technical Education
EDCI 65300: Seminar In Career And Technical Education
EDCI 66000: Learning Design And Technology Seminar
EDCI 67000: Learning Design And Technology Portfolio
EDCI 67200: Advanced Practices In Learning Systems Design
EDCI 67300: Issues And Methods In Learning Systems Design Research
EDCI 67400: Advanced Instructional Design Theory
EDCI 67500: Instructional Strategies
EDCI 67600: Unpacking Research: Writing Literature Reviews In Learning Design And Technology
EDCI 67700: Unpacking Research: Writing Research Proposals In Learning Design And Technology
EDCI 67800: Unpacking Research: Writing For Scholarly Publications In Learning Design And Technology
EDCI 68200: Contemporary Curriculum Theory
EDCI 68400: Rsrch Mthd In Scholar Activism
EDCI 68400: Critl & Indigenous Methodology
EDCI 68400: Indigenous Perspective On Rsch
EDCI 68400: Public Pedagogy
EDCI 68400: Narrative Inquiry In Education
EDCI 68400: Dissertation Research Writing
EDCI 68400: History Of Black Ed In The US
EDCI 68400: Black Education In The US
EDCI 68400: Crit Social Theory For Educ
EDCI 69500: Intern Ed: CTE Director
EDCI 69500: Intern In CTE WBL
EDCI 69500: Intern In Career & Tech Educ
EDCI 69500: CTE Director
EDCI 69500: TTT Internship In Education
EDCI 69500: Internship In Education
EDCI 69800: Research MS Thesis
EDCI 69900: Research PhD Thesis
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for Purdue courses made by Purdue students,
based in
West Lafayette, Indiana
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