ECET Courses

ECET 17700: Data Acquisition And Systems ControlECET 17900: Introduction To Digital SystemsECET 22400: Electronic SystemsECET 22700: DC And Pulse ElectronicsECET 22900: Concurrent Digital SystemsECET 27000: Electronics Prototype Development And ConstructionECET 27400: Wireless CommunicationsECET 27700: AC And Power ElectronicsECET 27900: Embedded Digital SystemsECET 29801: Lab AssistantECET 29900: Adv Analog Systems ProjectECET 30201: Introduction To Industrial ControlsECET 31800: Foundations Of Audio ElectronicsECET 32100: Introduction To NanotechnologyECET 32300: Introduction To Electric Vehicle SystemsECET 32700: Instrumentation And Data Acquisition DesignECET 32900: Advanced Embedded Digital SystemsECET 33300: Power Electronics In Energy SystemsECET 33700: Continuous Systems Analysis And DesignECET 33900: Digital Signal ProcessingECET 34900: Advanced Digital SystemsECET 35901: Computer Based Data Acquisition ApplicationsECET 36400: Fundamentals Of ElectromagneticsECET 36900: Applied Computer Vision For Sensing And AutomationECET 37201: Continuous Control ElectronicsECET 37300: Applied Electronic DrivesECET 37600: Electrical Energy SystemsECET 38001: Global Professional Issues In Engineering TechnologyECET 38800: Analog IC ApplicationsECET 42301: Electrical Vehicle Integration And FabricationECET 42800: Audio Electronics-Selected TopicsECET 42801: Advanced Acoustics And Audio Engineering TechnologiesECET 43000: Electrical And Electronic Product And Program ManagementECET 43100: International Capstone Project Planning And DesignECET 43600: Electrical Power Transmissions, Distribution, And Smart ControlECET 43900: Advanced Digital Signal ProcessingECET 44200: Programming Robots With ROSECET 44400: Wireless Systems: Design And MeasurementECET 46000: Project Design And DevelopmentECET 46100: International Capstone Project ExecutionECET 47600: Smart Grid Technology And ApplicationsECET 49900: Computing With FPGAsECET 49900: Adv Acoustics & Audio Eng TechECET 49900: Electrical Engineering TechnologyECET 49900: Electrical Engineering TechECET 49900: Underwater Wireless Comm IIECET 49900: Plant Auto-Nursery: ControlsECET 49900: Sonic Additive&Granular SynthECET 49900: Robot Programming With ROSECET 49900: Smart GridECET 49900: Appl Comp Vision Sensng & AutoECET 49900: Robotics SeminarECET 54100: Robotics And Cyber-Physical Systems SeminarECET 54900: Advanced Computer Vision For Sensing And AutomationECET 58100: Adv Appl Power Elec Energy SysECET 58100: Advanced DSPECET 58100: Cyber Anml Sys IECET 58100: Adv Appl Comp Vision Sens AutoECET 58100: Real-Time Computer VisionECET 58100: Robotics SeminarECET 58100: Robot Programming With ROSECET 58100: Real-Time And Embedded SystemsECET 58100: Biomedical InnovationECET 58100: Opt Comp Task-Spc Comp VisionECET 59000: MLECET 59000: Appl Of Adv Comp Vision DynECET 59000: AR In Power ElectronicsECET 59000: PV Converters Modeling & AnlysECET 59000: Special Problems In Electrical And Computer Engineering TechnologyECET 59000: IZZY Independent StudyECET 59800: Directed MS ProjectECET 69800: Research MS Thesis

BoilerClassesis an unofficial catalog for Purdue courses made by Purdue students, based in West Lafayette, Indiana. We'd love to hear your feedback!