ECET 17700: Data Acquisition And Systems Control

3 Credits

Spring 2025LaboratoryLecture
Spring 2025 Instructors(1)
April Cheung

Fundamental electrical parameters and measurement techniques are introduced. These are then applied to implementing power interfaces, actuators and sensors. Modules that provide signal conditioning, data conversion, filtering and controllers are evaluated. A full, closed loop control system is built and evaluated.

Course ECET 177 from Purdue University - West Lafayette.

(ENGT 18000 and ENGT 18100) or ENGT 18200 or ECE 12000 or ECE 22400 or (ECE 20001 and ECE 20007)

Course Overview

Course GPA

GPA: 2.75
Grade Distribution% of Students
A: 29%
B: 36%
C: 21%
D: 6%
F: 7%

Data Averaged From:

Instructors3 instructors
Semesters7 semesters

Instructor Metrics

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% Grade Distribution

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Spring 2025 Schedule:


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