ECET 47600: Smart Grid Technology And Applications

3 Credits

Fall 2024LaboratoryLecture
Fall 2024 Instructors(1)
Rajeswari Sundararajan

This smart-grid (SG) technology and applications is designed to introduce new topics related to distributed generation, micro-grids, renewable energy sources, and smart home applications. Topics covered include design, modeling, control, and analysis of smart-grid systems. Concepts dealing with computational intelligence, decision support systems, smart metering, optimization, and energy storage are addressed. The laboratory component will provide students with hands-on experience in the utilization of smart-grid technologies and applications.

Course ECET 476 from Purdue University - West Lafayette.

ECE 27700 and ECE 37600 [may be taken concurrently]

Course Overview

Course GPA

GPA: 3.09
Grade Distribution% of Students
A: 47%
B: 40%
D: 7%
F: 7%

Data Averaged From:

Instructors1 instructor
Semesters1 semester

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