ECET 33700: Continuous Systems Analysis And Design

3 Credits

Spring 2025LaboratoryLecture
Spring 2025 Instructors(1)
James Jacob

This is an advanced course in continuous systems analysis and design. Systems may include RCL circuits, op amp circuits, and DC permanent magnet motors. Systems analyses using differential equations and Laplace Transform techniques are developed, culminating in active filter and closed loop PID system design. Software tools, circuit simulation, and advance calculators are used to solve differential, integral, and differential equation problems.

Course ECET 337 from Purdue University - West Lafayette.

(ECE 27700 or ECE 22400) and (MA 16010 or MA 16100 or MA 16300 or MA 16500 or MA 22100 or MA 22700)
James Jacob

Course Overview

Course GPA

GPA: 3.00
Grade Distribution% of Students
A: 40%
B: 34%
C: 17%
D: 6%
F: 4%

Data Averaged From:

Instructors1 instructor
Semesters3 semesters

James Jacob - Metrics


Average GPA

No rating


% Grade Distribution

1 instructor selected

GPA Trends

1 instructor selected
Total GPA avgerages are shown in the legend.
Higher values indicate higher average GPAs.

Spring 2025 Schedule:


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