ECET 43100: International Capstone Project Planning And Design
3 Credits
Fall 2019LectureThe course deals with the planning and execution of an industry sponsored senior capstone project carried out jointly with students from a foreign academic institution. Project management and systems engineering methods are studied to support the development of solutions to open-ended problems proposed by industry. Formal techniques such as functional decomposition, top-down and bottom-up, requirement matrix, analysis of alternatives are studied and applied to the projects. Project planning techniques including work breakdown structures, Gantt charts and resource planning are studied and applied to meet cost, performance and project goals. The various types and levels of new system tests are studied and applied. Electronic and internet communication tools shall be used to maintain team and project progress. Foreign travel shall be required for at least one face to face team meeting during the execution of the project. Permission of Instructor required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
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