ECET 43000: Electrical And Electronic Product And Program Management

3 Credits

Spring 2020Lecture
Spring 2020 Instructors(1)
Frederick Berry

This course deals with the planning of electrical and electronic products and projects. Research methods are studied to support new product development including customer needs and the development of engineering requirements. Formal techniques such as functional decomposition, top-down and bottom-up design techniques are studied. Planning and design alternatives to meet cost, performance, and user-interface foals are emphasized. Technical topics are revisited with emphasis on new applications. The various types and levels of new product system tests are studied. New product planning, scheduling, and management techniques are studied, along with the usage of software tools for project scheduling and management. Creativity is stressed, and the different approaches taken by the designers are compared and discussed. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.

Course ECET 430 from Purdue University - West Lafayette.

ECE 43000

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