PHRM Courses
PHRM 10000: Pre-Doctor Of Pharmacy Orientation I
PHRM 20000: Pharm And Admissions Pr-Honors
PHRM 20000: Pre-Doctor Of Pharmacy Orientation II
PHRM 20000: Introduction To Pharmacy And Admissions Process
PHRM 20100: Bachelor Of Science In The Pharmaceutical Sciences Orientation II
PHRM 29199: Cooperative Experience I
PHRM 29299: Cooperative Experience II
PHRM 31600: Drug Abuse/Addiction Education
PHRM 39399: Cooperative Experience III
PHRM 39499: Extensive Cooperative Experience IV
PHRM 39599: Extensive Cooperative Experience V
PHRM 39699: Pharmaceutical Science Internship Experience
PHRM 40500: Mindfulness
PHRM 41000: Professional Communications
PHRM 41900: Experiential Reflections In The Pharmaceutical Sciences
PHRM 42400: Principles Of Pathophysiology And Drug Action
PHRM 42500: Pharmacy Leadership And Innovation Forum
PHRM 42700: Conversations About Death And Dying
PHRM 42800: Dosage Forms I
PHRM 42900: Dosage Forms II
PHRM 43900: Vulnerable And Underserved Patient Care
PHRM 44200: Introduction To The Pharmaceutical Industry
PHRM 45600: Pharmaceutical Care Of Diabetes
PHRM 46000: Drug Discovery And Development I
PHRM 46100: Drug Discovery And Development II
PHRM 46400: Preparing For Postgraduate Residency Program
PHRM 46600: Pharmaceutical Care In Oncology
PHRM 48500: Intercultural And Global Health Issues
PHRM 49000: Pharm & Admissions Tch Asst
PHRM 49000: PUP Teaching Assistant
PHRM 49000: Mindfulness Tch Asst
PHRM 49000: Tch Asst For Mindfulness
PHRM 49000: Teach Asst CAM
PHRM 49000: Pharmacy Practice Research
PHRM 49000: Teaching Assistant Mindfulness
PHRM 49000: Teaching Assistant
PHRM 49000: Drug Discovery Targeting PTP's
PHRM 49000: Computatational Neuro Research
PHRM 49000: Pharm & Admissions Sr Mentor
PHRM 49000: Leadership Forum Assistant
PHRM 49000: Pharm Pract Teach Exp
PHRM 49000: Tch Asst Professional Comm
PHRM 49000: Conv Abt Death & Dying Tch Ast
PHRM 49000: Teaching Assistant CAM
PHRM 49000: Tch Asst Basics Nuclear Pharm
PHRM 49000: Teach Asst ICGH
PHRM 49000: Peer Mentoring Assessmnt Proj
PHRM 49000: Death And Dying Tch Asst
PHRM 49000: PSL Teaching Assistant
PHRM 49000: Industry Tch Asst
PHRM 49000: Conversations Abt Death &Dying
PHRM 49000: Mindfulness Teach Asst
PHRM 49000: Moderna Co-Op
PHRM 49000: Tch Asst For Deans Forum Crse
PHRM 49000: VIP Case Competition Tch Asst
PHRM 49000: Tch Asst Intercltrl Glbl Hlth
PHRM 49000: Mindfulness Tching Asst
PHRM 49000: Tch Asst Mindfulness
PHRM 49000: Industry Tching Asst
PHRM 49000: Conv Abt Death & Dying
PHRM 49000: Tch Asst For Dean's Forum
PHRM 49000: Vulnrable& Undersrved Pat Care
PHRM 49000: Mindfullness
PHRM 49000: Excelling Postgraduate Apps I
PHRM 49000: Pharmaceutical Care Diabetes
PHRM 49000: Pharmacy For Non-Pharmacists
PHRM 49000: Topics In Healthcare& Pharmacy
PHRM 49000: Pharmacy Entrepreneurship
PHRM 49000: VIP: Case Study Competition
PHRM 49000: Intro Ldrshp In Pharmacy Pract
PHRM 49000: Professional Communications
PHRM 49000: Conversation Abt Death & Dying
PHRM 49000: Intro To Emergncy Med Pharmacy
PHRM 49000: Pharm & Admissions SR Mentor
PHRM 49000: Mindfulness
PHRM 49000: PHRM Teaching Assistant
PHRM 49000: Spanish Comm For Phrm Students
PHRM 49000: Tch Asst For PHRM
PHRM 49000: Teaching Assistant For PHRM
PHRM 49500: Literature-Based Pharmacy Rsch
PHRM 49500: MD Simulation Of Crystals
PHRM 49500: Immunotherapy
PHRM 49500: Distributed Manufacturing
PHRM 49500: Solid-State NMR For ASD Dev
PHRM 49500: Independent Project
PHRM 49500: Liposomal Phage Formulations
PHRM 49500: Phage Liposomal Formulation
PHRM 49500: Solubility-enhancing Formulas
PHRM 49500: Intro To Health Services Res
PHRM 49500: Cancer Car T-Cell Therapy
PHRM 49500: Drug Discovery & Developmt II
PHRM 49500: Y Lab
PHRM 49500: Manuscript Development
PHRM 49500: Formulation Of Proteins
PHRM 49500: Investigation Of Oncogenic Pat
PHRM 49500: Y Lab- SCN2A Pharmacogenomics
PHRM 49500: Chromatin Reg + Cancer
PHRM 49500: Cancer Biology
PHRM 49500: Drug Discovery And Dev II
PHRM 49500: Deep Learning In Drug Develop
PHRM 49500: Cancer Immunotherapy
PHRM 49500: Chromatin + Cancer
PHRM 49500: Nanoparticle Drug Delivery
PHRM 49500: Pulmonary Drug Delivery Resear
PHRM 49500: Reseach Targeting PTPs
PHRM 49500: Solid Drug Formulation
PHRM 49500: Yang Labs
PHRM 49500: Drug Discovery Targeting PTPs
PHRM 49500: Chromatin Regulation + Cancer
PHRM 49500: Studies Of Lipid Nanoparticles
PHRM 49500: Novel Therapeutics
PHRM 49500: Immune Cell Engineering
PHRM 49500: Liposomal Phage Formulation
PHRM 49500: Polymer Salts For Formulation
PHRM 49500: Protein Stability
PHRM 49500: Res With Kyle Wettschurack
PHRM 49500: Yang Lab
PHRM 49500: DNA Aptamers
PHRM 49500: Gut Microbiota Drug Efficacy
PHRM 49500: Cancer CAR T Cell Therapy
PHRM 49500: Long Acting Polymer Implant
PHRM 49500: Solid Lipid Nanoparticles
PHRM 49500: Virus Assembly And Budding
PHRM 49500: Tranexamic Acid Project
PHRM 49500: Epigenetics In Cancers
PHRM 49500: Cancer Immunology
PHRM 49500: Medicinal Chemistry Research
PHRM 49500: Intro To Med Safety Research
PHRM 49500: Pharmceutical Research
PHRM 49500: Pediatric Cancer Research
PHRM 49500: General Research
PHRM 49500: Burnout Research
PHRM 49500: Neuronal Impairment Research
PHRM 49500: Pharmaceutical Immunotherapy
PHRM 49500: Nanoparticle Research
PHRM 49500: Pharmaceutical Research
PHRM 49500: Research In Pharmaceutical Sci
PHRM 49500: Research In IPPH
PHRM 49500: Yang Lab Research
PHRM 49500: Public Health Research
PHRM 49500: Research On Nanoparticles
PHRM 49500: Research Medicinal Chemistry
PHRM 49500: Research
PHRM 49500: Undergraduate Research
PHRM 49500: Protein Stability Research
PHRM 49500: Pharmacology Research
PHRM 49500: Bacteriophage Therapy Research
PHRM 49500: Pharmacy Research On Nanocages
PHRM 49500: Computation Drug Dev Research
PHRM 49500: Immunotherapy Research
PHRM 49500: Pharmacy Burnout Research
PHRM 49500: Protein Production Research
PHRM 49500: Parkinson's Research
PHRM 49500: PLCe And RhoA Research
PHRM 49500: Research In Pharmaceutics
PHRM 49500: Hockerman Lab Research
PHRM 49500: Cancer Immunotherapy Research
PHRM 49500: Pharm Prac Research
PHRM 49500: Pharmaceutical Research Special Topics
PHRM 49500: Cancer Research
PHRM 49500: Research In Protein Biotech
PHRM 49500: Deep Learning In Drug Research
PHRM 49500: Cancer Research Reading
PHRM 49500: Pharmacy IPPH Research
PHRM 49500: Undergrad Research
PHRM 49500: Undergraduate Research Lab
PHRM 49500: Health Equity Research
PHRM 49500: Protein Engineering Research
PHRM 49500: Pharmacy Practice Research
PHRM 49500: Research Synthesis Variability
PHRM 49500: Laboratory Research
PHRM 49500: Professional Research Assist
PHRM 49500: Independent Research
PHRM 49500: Parkinson's Disease Research
PHRM 49500: Gastric Cancer Research
PHRM 49500: Neuropixels Research
PHRM 49500: Neuropharmacology Research
PHRM 49500: Pharmacy Research
PHRM 49500: Research In Pharmacology
PHRM 49500: Methyltransferase Research
PHRM 49500: PHRM Research
PHRM 49500: Yang Yang Lab
PHRM 69500: Introduction To Pharmaceutical Sciences Research
PHRM 82000: Professional Skills Laboratory I
PHRM 82100: Professional Skills Laboratory II
PHRM 82200: Pharmacy Skills And Patient Counseling
PHRM 82400: Principles Of Pathophysiology And Drug Action
PHRM 82500: Integrated Pharmacotherapy I
PHRM 82600: Introduction To Patient Centered Care
PHRM 82800: Dosage Forms I
PHRM 82900: Dosage Forms II
PHRM 83100: Health Care Systems
PHRM 83400: Pharmaceutical Calculations
PHRM 83500: Principles Of Pharmacokinetics
PHRM 83600: Biochemistry For Pharmaceutical Sciences II
PHRM 83800: Interprofessional Education (IPE) Experience I
PHRM 83900: Interprofessional Education (IPE) Experience II
PHRM 84000: Professional Skills Laboratory III
PHRM 84100: Professional Skills Laboratory IV
PHRM 84200: Community Pharmacy IPPE
PHRM 84400: Integrated Pharmacotherapy II
PHRM 84500: Integrated Pharmacotherapy III
PHRM 84700: Principles Of Pharmacogenomics
PHRM 84800: Principles Of Drug Information And Literature Evaluation
PHRM 84900: Population Health Management
PHRM 85200: Public Health Pharmacy
PHRM 85400: Interprofessional Education (IPE) Experience III
PHRM 85500: Interprofessional Education (IPE) Experience IV
PHRM 86000: Professional Skills Laboratory V
PHRM 86100: Professional Skills Laboratory VI
PHRM 86200: Institutional Pharmacy Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience
PHRM 86400: Integrated Pharmacotherapy IV
PHRM 86500: Integrated Pharmacotherapy V
PHRM 86600: Biotech/Advanced Parenteral Dosage Forms
PHRM 86700: Introduction To The Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience
PHRM 86800: Patient Safety And Informatics
PHRM 86900: Practice Management And Marketing Of Professional Services
PHRM 87000: Health Policy Applications
PHRM 87100: Jurisprudence
PHRM 87400: Interprofessional Education (IPE) Experience V
PHRM 88000: Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience
PHRM 90600: Orientation Meeting
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unofficial catalog
for Purdue courses made by Purdue students,
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