PHRM Courses

PHRM 10000: Pre-Doctor Of Pharmacy Orientation IPHRM 20000: Pharm And Admissions Pr-HonorsPHRM 20000: Pre-Doctor Of Pharmacy Orientation IIPHRM 20000: Introduction To Pharmacy And Admissions ProcessPHRM 20100: Bachelor Of Science In The Pharmaceutical Sciences Orientation IIPHRM 29199: Cooperative Experience IPHRM 29299: Cooperative Experience IIPHRM 31600: Drug Abuse/Addiction EducationPHRM 39399: Cooperative Experience IIIPHRM 39499: Extensive Cooperative Experience IVPHRM 39599: Extensive Cooperative Experience VPHRM 39699: Pharmaceutical Science Internship ExperiencePHRM 40500: MindfulnessPHRM 41000: Professional CommunicationsPHRM 41900: Experiential Reflections In The Pharmaceutical SciencesPHRM 42400: Principles Of Pathophysiology And Drug ActionPHRM 42500: Pharmacy Leadership And Innovation ForumPHRM 42700: Conversations About Death And DyingPHRM 42800: Dosage Forms IPHRM 42900: Dosage Forms IIPHRM 43900: Vulnerable And Underserved Patient CarePHRM 44200: Introduction To The Pharmaceutical IndustryPHRM 45600: Pharmaceutical Care Of DiabetesPHRM 46000: Drug Discovery And Development IPHRM 46100: Drug Discovery And Development IIPHRM 46400: Preparing For Postgraduate Residency ProgramPHRM 46600: Pharmaceutical Care In OncologyPHRM 48500: Intercultural And Global Health IssuesPHRM 49000: Pharm & Admissions Tch AsstPHRM 49000: PUP Teaching AssistantPHRM 49000: Mindfulness Tch AsstPHRM 49000: Tch Asst For MindfulnessPHRM 49000: Teach Asst CAMPHRM 49000: Pharmacy Practice ResearchPHRM 49000: Teaching Assistant MindfulnessPHRM 49000: Teaching AssistantPHRM 49000: Drug Discovery Targeting PTP'sPHRM 49000: Computatational Neuro ResearchPHRM 49000: Pharm & Admissions Sr MentorPHRM 49000: Leadership Forum AssistantPHRM 49000: Pharm Pract Teach ExpPHRM 49000: Tch Asst Professional CommPHRM 49000: Conv Abt Death & Dying Tch AstPHRM 49000: Teaching Assistant CAMPHRM 49000: Tch Asst Basics Nuclear PharmPHRM 49000: Teach Asst ICGHPHRM 49000: Peer Mentoring Assessmnt ProjPHRM 49000: Death And Dying Tch AsstPHRM 49000: PSL Teaching AssistantPHRM 49000: Industry Tch AsstPHRM 49000: Conversations Abt Death &DyingPHRM 49000: Mindfulness Teach AsstPHRM 49000: Moderna Co-OpPHRM 49000: Tch Asst For Deans Forum CrsePHRM 49000: VIP Case Competition Tch AsstPHRM 49000: Tch Asst Intercltrl Glbl HlthPHRM 49000: Mindfulness Tching AsstPHRM 49000: Tch Asst MindfulnessPHRM 49000: Industry Tching AsstPHRM 49000: Conv Abt Death & DyingPHRM 49000: Tch Asst For Dean's ForumPHRM 49000: Vulnrable& Undersrved Pat CarePHRM 49000: MindfullnessPHRM 49000: Excelling Postgraduate Apps IPHRM 49000: Pharmaceutical Care DiabetesPHRM 49000: Pharmacy For Non-PharmacistsPHRM 49000: Topics In Healthcare& PharmacyPHRM 49000: Pharmacy EntrepreneurshipPHRM 49000: VIP: Case Study CompetitionPHRM 49000: Intro Ldrshp In Pharmacy PractPHRM 49000: Professional CommunicationsPHRM 49000: Conversation Abt Death & DyingPHRM 49000: Intro To Emergncy Med PharmacyPHRM 49000: Pharm & Admissions SR MentorPHRM 49000: MindfulnessPHRM 49000: PHRM Teaching AssistantPHRM 49000: Spanish Comm For Phrm StudentsPHRM 49000: Tch Asst For PHRMPHRM 49000: Teaching Assistant For PHRMPHRM 49500: Literature-Based Pharmacy RschPHRM 49500: MD Simulation Of CrystalsPHRM 49500: ImmunotherapyPHRM 49500: Distributed ManufacturingPHRM 49500: Solid-State NMR For ASD DevPHRM 49500: Independent ProjectPHRM 49500: Liposomal Phage FormulationsPHRM 49500: Phage Liposomal FormulationPHRM 49500: Solubility-enhancing FormulasPHRM 49500: Intro To Health Services ResPHRM 49500: Cancer Car T-Cell TherapyPHRM 49500: Drug Discovery & Developmt IIPHRM 49500: Y LabPHRM 49500: Manuscript DevelopmentPHRM 49500: Formulation Of ProteinsPHRM 49500: Investigation Of Oncogenic PatPHRM 49500: Y Lab- SCN2A PharmacogenomicsPHRM 49500: Chromatin Reg + CancerPHRM 49500: Cancer BiologyPHRM 49500: Drug Discovery And Dev IIPHRM 49500: Deep Learning In Drug DevelopPHRM 49500: Cancer ImmunotherapyPHRM 49500: Chromatin + CancerPHRM 49500: Nanoparticle Drug DeliveryPHRM 49500: Pulmonary Drug Delivery ResearPHRM 49500: Reseach Targeting PTPsPHRM 49500: Solid Drug FormulationPHRM 49500: Yang LabsPHRM 49500: Drug Discovery Targeting PTPsPHRM 49500: Chromatin Regulation + CancerPHRM 49500: Studies Of Lipid NanoparticlesPHRM 49500: Novel TherapeuticsPHRM 49500: Immune Cell EngineeringPHRM 49500: Liposomal Phage FormulationPHRM 49500: Polymer Salts For FormulationPHRM 49500: Protein StabilityPHRM 49500: Res With Kyle WettschurackPHRM 49500: Yang LabPHRM 49500: DNA AptamersPHRM 49500: Gut Microbiota Drug EfficacyPHRM 49500: Cancer CAR T Cell TherapyPHRM 49500: Long Acting Polymer ImplantPHRM 49500: Solid Lipid NanoparticlesPHRM 49500: Virus Assembly And BuddingPHRM 49500: Tranexamic Acid ProjectPHRM 49500: Epigenetics In CancersPHRM 49500: Cancer ImmunologyPHRM 49500: Medicinal Chemistry ResearchPHRM 49500: Intro To Med Safety ResearchPHRM 49500: Pharmceutical ResearchPHRM 49500: Pediatric Cancer ResearchPHRM 49500: General ResearchPHRM 49500: Burnout ResearchPHRM 49500: Neuronal Impairment ResearchPHRM 49500: Pharmaceutical ImmunotherapyPHRM 49500: Nanoparticle ResearchPHRM 49500: Pharmaceutical ResearchPHRM 49500: Research In Pharmaceutical SciPHRM 49500: Research In IPPHPHRM 49500: Yang Lab ResearchPHRM 49500: Public Health ResearchPHRM 49500: Research On NanoparticlesPHRM 49500: Research Medicinal ChemistryPHRM 49500: ResearchPHRM 49500: Undergraduate ResearchPHRM 49500: Protein Stability ResearchPHRM 49500: Pharmacology ResearchPHRM 49500: Bacteriophage Therapy ResearchPHRM 49500: Pharmacy Research On NanocagesPHRM 49500: Computation Drug Dev ResearchPHRM 49500: Immunotherapy ResearchPHRM 49500: Pharmacy Burnout ResearchPHRM 49500: Protein Production ResearchPHRM 49500: Parkinson's ResearchPHRM 49500: PLCe And RhoA ResearchPHRM 49500: Research In PharmaceuticsPHRM 49500: Hockerman Lab ResearchPHRM 49500: Cancer Immunotherapy ResearchPHRM 49500: Pharm Prac ResearchPHRM 49500: Pharmaceutical Research Special TopicsPHRM 49500: Cancer ResearchPHRM 49500: Research In Protein BiotechPHRM 49500: Deep Learning In Drug ResearchPHRM 49500: Cancer Research ReadingPHRM 49500: Pharmacy IPPH ResearchPHRM 49500: Undergrad ResearchPHRM 49500: Undergraduate Research LabPHRM 49500: Health Equity ResearchPHRM 49500: Protein Engineering ResearchPHRM 49500: Pharmacy Practice ResearchPHRM 49500: Research Synthesis VariabilityPHRM 49500: Laboratory ResearchPHRM 49500: Professional Research AssistPHRM 49500: Independent ResearchPHRM 49500: Parkinson's Disease ResearchPHRM 49500: Gastric Cancer ResearchPHRM 49500: Neuropixels ResearchPHRM 49500: Neuropharmacology ResearchPHRM 49500: Pharmacy ResearchPHRM 49500: Research In PharmacologyPHRM 49500: Methyltransferase ResearchPHRM 49500: PHRM ResearchPHRM 49500: Yang Yang LabPHRM 69500: Introduction To Pharmaceutical Sciences ResearchPHRM 82000: Professional Skills Laboratory IPHRM 82100: Professional Skills Laboratory IIPHRM 82200: Pharmacy Skills And Patient CounselingPHRM 82400: Principles Of Pathophysiology And Drug ActionPHRM 82500: Integrated Pharmacotherapy IPHRM 82600: Introduction To Patient Centered CarePHRM 82800: Dosage Forms IPHRM 82900: Dosage Forms IIPHRM 83100: Health Care SystemsPHRM 83400: Pharmaceutical CalculationsPHRM 83500: Principles Of PharmacokineticsPHRM 83600: Biochemistry For Pharmaceutical Sciences IIPHRM 83800: Interprofessional Education (IPE) Experience IPHRM 83900: Interprofessional Education (IPE) Experience IIPHRM 84000: Professional Skills Laboratory IIIPHRM 84100: Professional Skills Laboratory IVPHRM 84200: Community Pharmacy IPPEPHRM 84400: Integrated Pharmacotherapy IIPHRM 84500: Integrated Pharmacotherapy IIIPHRM 84700: Principles Of PharmacogenomicsPHRM 84800: Principles Of Drug Information And Literature EvaluationPHRM 84900: Population Health ManagementPHRM 85200: Public Health PharmacyPHRM 85400: Interprofessional Education (IPE) Experience IIIPHRM 85500: Interprofessional Education (IPE) Experience IVPHRM 86000: Professional Skills Laboratory VPHRM 86100: Professional Skills Laboratory VIPHRM 86200: Institutional Pharmacy Introductory Pharmacy Practice ExperiencePHRM 86400: Integrated Pharmacotherapy IVPHRM 86500: Integrated Pharmacotherapy VPHRM 86600: Biotech/Advanced Parenteral Dosage FormsPHRM 86700: Introduction To The Advanced Pharmacy Practice ExperiencePHRM 86800: Patient Safety And InformaticsPHRM 86900: Practice Management And Marketing Of Professional ServicesPHRM 87000: Health Policy ApplicationsPHRM 87100: JurisprudencePHRM 87400: Interprofessional Education (IPE) Experience VPHRM 88000: Advanced Pharmacy Practice ExperiencePHRM 90600: Orientation Meeting

BoilerClassesis an unofficial catalog for Purdue courses made by Purdue students, based in West Lafayette, Indiana. We'd love to hear your feedback!