PHRM 46400: Preparing For Postgraduate Residency Program

2 Credits

Spring 2024Lecture
Spring 2024 Instructors(3)
Rakhi Karwa
Alex Isaacs

This elective course will focus on preparing for the pharmacy residency program selection process. The purpose of this course is to discuss various aspects of the selection process, provide students with guidance regarding each step of the process, and provide feedback regarding materials such as curriculum vitaes (CVs), letters of intent, and thank you notes. This course is intended to guide the students through the process using events, which normally occur during the residency search including pre-Midyear preparation, navigating American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) Midyear, the post-Midyear application and interview process, and the Match. Permission of instructor required.

Course PHRM 464 from Purdue University - West Lafayette.

Rakhi Karwa

Course Overview

Course GPA

GPA: 4.00
Grade Distribution% of Students
A: 100%

Data Averaged From:

Instructors1 instructor
Semesters1 semester

Rakhi Karwa - Metrics


Average GPA

No rating


No rating data available for this instructor

% Grade Distribution

1 instructor selected

No data available

Rakhi Karwa has no grade distribution data.

GPA Trends

1 instructor selected

No data available

Rakhi Karwa has no GPA data.

Spring 2025 Schedule:


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