MA Courses

MA 10800: Mathematics As A Profession And A DisciplineMA 13700: Mathematics For Elementary Teachers IMA 13800: Mathematics For Elementary Teachers IIMA 13900: Mathematics For Elementary Teachers IIIMA 15300: College AlgebraMA 15555: Quantitative ReasoningMA 15800: PrecalculusMA 16010: Applied Calculus IMA 16020: Applied Calculus IIMA 16100: Plane Analytic Geometry And Calculus IMA 16200: Plane Analytic Geometry And Calculus IIMA 16290: Data Science Labs: CalculusMA 16500: Analytic Geometry And Calculus IMA 16600: Analytic Geometry And Calculus IIMA 17000: Introduction To Actuarial ScienceMA 25000: Problem Solving In ProbabilityMA 26100: Multivariate CalculusMA 26190: Data Science Labs: Multivariate CalculusMA 26200: Linear Algebra And Differential EquationsMA 26500: Linear AlgebraMA 26600: Ordinary Differential EquationsMA 27101: Honors Multivariate CalculusMA 27900: Modern Mathematics In Science And SocietyMA 29000: Data Science Labs: Multi CalcMA 30100: An Introduction To Proof Through Real AnalysisMA 30300: Differential Equations And Partial Differential Equations For Engineering And The SciencesMA 32500: History Of MathematicsMA 34100: Foundations Of AnalysisMA 34900: Signals And Systems For MathematiciansMA 34990: Data Science Labs: Signals And SystemsMA 35100: Elementary Linear AlgebraMA 35301: Linear Algebra IIMA 36200: Topics In Vector CalculusMA 36600: Ordinary Differential EquationsMA 37300: Financial MathematicsMA 37500: Introduction To Discrete MathematicsMA 38500: Introduction To LogicMA 38600: Professional Practicum IVMA 39000: Data Sci Labs Fourier AnalysisMA 41600: ProbabilityMA 41690: Data Science Labs: ProbabilityMA 42100: Linear Programming And Optimization TechniquesMA 42500: Elements Of Complex AnalysisMA 42800: Introduction To Fourier AnalysisMA 43200: Elementary Stochastic ProcessesMA 44000: Honors Real Analysis IMA 44200: Honors Real Analysis IIMA 45000: Algebra HonorsMA 45300: Elements Of Algebra IMA 45401: Galois Theory HonorsMA 46000: GeometryMA 47201: Fundamental Long Term Actuarial MathematicsMA 47201: Actuarial Models-Life ContingenciesMA 48100: Advanced Problem-Solving SeminarMA 48200: Advanced Short Term Actuarial MathematicsMA 48400: Seminar On Teaching College Algebra And TrigonometryMA 48700: Professional Practicum VMA 49000: Data Sci Labs ProbabilityMA 49000: Flow Around Deformed ParticleMA 49000: 2-Parameter Quantum Aff GroupsMA 49000: Forecasting 2024 US ElectionMA 49000: Mathematical Methods For ComplMA 49000: Scattering TheoryMA 49000: Purdue Experimental Math LabMA 49000: Random Fields On FractalsMA 49000: Image Compression Using SVDMA 49000: Modeling Extreme EventsMA 49000: Fluid Structure InteractionMA 49000: Image Proc Mathematical BioMA 49000: Set TheoryMA 49000: Transition Path And Optml CtrlMA 49000: Elections ForecastingMA 49000: Research In Election ForecastiMA 49000: Research In Complex SystemsMA 49000: P-Adic Division AlgebrasMA 49000: Undergraduate ResearchMA 49000: Harmonic AnalysisMA 49000: UG Research: Comput GeomMA 49000: Research In Data ScienceMA 49000: Extreme Event Modelling IIMA 49000: Algebraic Number TheoryMA 49000: Topics In Geometry And AlgebraMA 49000: Collaborative Prblm Solve SemMA 49000: History Of MathematicsMA 49000: Adv Short Term Actuarial MathMA 49000: Collaborative Problem SolvingMA 49000: Adv Short-Term Act MathMA 49500: Partial Differential EquationsMA 49500: Graph TheoryMA 49500: Intro To Stochastic CalculusMA 49500: Mathematical ModelingMA 49500: From Groups To Geometry & BackMA 49500: Introduction To Number TheoryMA 50300: Abstract AlgebraMA 50400: Real AnalysisMA 51000: Vector CalculusMA 51100: Linear Algebra With ApplicationsMA 51400: Numerical AnalysisMA 51900: Introduction To ProbabilityMA 52000: Boundary Value Problems Of Differential EquationsMA 52300: Introduction To Partial Differential EquationsMA 52500: Introduction To Complex AnalysisMA 52700: Advanced Mathematics For Engineers And Physicists IMA 52800: Advanced Mathematics For Engineers And Physicists IIMA 53000: Functions Of A Complex Variable IMA 53200: Elements Of Stochastic ProcessesMA 53800: Probability Theory IMA 53900: Probability Theory IIMA 54300: Ordinary Differential Equations And Dynamical SystemsMA 54400: Real Analysis And Measure TheoryMA 54500: Functions Of Several Variables And Related TopicsMA 54600: Introduction To Functional AnalysisMA 55300: Introduction To Abstract AlgebraMA 55400: Linear AlgebraMA 55700: Abstract Algebra IMA 55800: Abstract Algebra IIMA 56200: Introduction To Differential Geometry And TopologyMA 57100: Elementary TopologyMA 57200: Introduction In Algebraic TopologyMA 57400: Numerical OptimizationMA 57500: Graph TheoryMA 58400: Algebraic Number TheoryMA 58500: Mathematical Logic IMA 59000: Machine Learning For ManifoldMA 59000: Density Functional Theory IIMA 59000: Elliptic CurvesMA 59000: Commutative AlgebraMA 59000: Commutative Ring TheoryMA 59000: Cohen-Macaulay RingsMA 59000: Reading CourseMA 59000: Algebraic Number TheoryMA 59500: Graph TheoryMA 59500: Inf Dim Lie Algebras & AplMA 59500: Intro To Geometric Meas TheoryMA 59500: Intro To Algebraic GeometryMA 59500: Intro To Additive CombinatoricMA 59500: Intro To Stochastic CalculusMA 59500: Filtering Complex Fluid SysMA 59500: Radon TransformsMA 59500: Geometry Of Charctrstc ClassesMA 59500: Grp Homology & Homolgcl StbltyMA 59500: Intro To Sum-Prdct PhenomenonMA 59500: Anlytc Thry Of Function FieldsMA 59500: Comp OT & Generative ModelsMA 59500: Real Analysis Problem SessionMA 59500: Numerical Solutions For ODEsMA 59500: Algebraic Geometry IMA 59500: Neural Network Numerical PDEsMA 59500: Harmonic Analys & ApplicationsMA 59500: Quantum Groups & ApplicationsMA 59500: Elliptic CurvesMA 59500: Partial Differential EquationsMA 59500: Introduction To Number TheoryMA 59500: Mathematical ModelingMA 59500: Lie AlgebrasMA 59500: Abstract Algebra Prob SessionMA 59500: Geo & Lrning For Mfd-Str DataMA 59500: Intro To Quantum ComputingMA 59500: Mathematics Of Quantum CmptingMA 59500: Intro To Type III FactorsMA 59500: From Groups To Geometry & BackMA 59500: Topics In Model TheoryMA 59800: Algebraic Geometry SeminarMA 59800: Algebraic GeometryMA 59800: Cuntz Semigroup And ClassificaMA 59800: Intro To Inverse ScatteringMA 59800: Microlocal AnalysisMA 59800: Intro To Machine LearningMA 59800: Property(T) & Operator AlgbrsMA 59800: Harmonic Analysis IIMA 59800: Topology Readings CourseMA 59800: Inverse ImagingMA 59800: Exactly Solvable ModelsMA 59800: Student Von Neumann SeminarMA 59800: Intro To Geom Measure TheoryMA 59800: Semiclassical SamplingMA 59800: Basics Of Operator AlgebrasMA 59800: C*-algebras And GroupsMA 59800: Topological Quantum Field ThrsMA 59800: Intro To Computed TomographyMA 59800: Super-Resolution Of HSIsMA 59800: Deep LeaningMA 59800: Student Quantum Topology SmnrMA 59800: Network DiffusionsMA 59800: Topological Quantum Field ThsMA 59800: Independent StudyMA 59800: Complex Turbulent SystemsMA 59800: Nonlinear Elliptic EquationsMA 59800: Von Neumann AlgebrasMA 59800: Mathematical BiologyMA 59800: C*-algebrasMA 59800: Local CohomologyMA 59800: Fractional Harmonic MapsMA 59800: Intro To Local CohomologyMA 59800: C*- AlgebrasMA 59800: Fourier Integral OperatorsMA 59800: Prime Characteristic MethodsMA 59800: Wave-packet AnalysisMA 59800: Heat Kernel AnalysisMA 59800: Material ModelingMA 59800: Combinatorial Comm AlgMA 59800: Contractibility Of Cuntz ClassMA 59800: Data ScienceMA 59800: Neural Networks Sci ComputingMA 59800: Mathematical PhysicsMA 59800: Model TheoryMA 59800: Regressive Turbulence ModelsMA 59800: Algebraic Topology IIIMA 59800: Tpcs In Algebraic Geometry IIMA 59800: Applied TopologyMA 59800: Harmonic AnalysisMA 59800: Geophysical Fluid DynamicsMA 59800: Intro To Geometric MeasureMA 59800: Branching Random WalkMA 59800: Laplace EquationsMA 59800: Analysis On Hyperbolic SpacesMA 59800: De Rham CohomologyMA 59800: Advanced CalculusMA 59800: Lie GroupsMA 59800: Aero Optics SimulationMA 59800: Lin Nonlin Lst Sqrs AlgthmsMA 59800: Incidence CombinatoricsMA 59800: Intro To Microlocal AnalysisMA 59800: Teaching College AlgebraMA 59800: Linear AlgebraMA 59800: Machine Learning ReadingCourseMA 59800: Synthetic Turbulence ModelingMA 59800: Tomographic HolographyMA 59800: Class Field TheoryMA 59800: Neural NetworksMA 59800: Wave-Packet AnalysisMA 59800: Multivariable AnalysisMA 59800: Partial Differential EquationsMA 59800: Large Networks And Graph LimitMA 59800: Topic In Probability TheoryMA 59800: Finite And Tropical GeometryMA 59800: Scattering TheoryMA 59800: CurvesMA 59800: RkhsMA 59800: Building Multigrid AlgorithmsMA 59800: PDOs And Radon TransformsMA 59800: Analytic Theory Of Dioph EqnsMA 59800: Machine LearningMA 59800: Stochastic CalculusMA 59800: Sieve TheoryMA 59800: Real Analysis And Abstract AlgMA 59800: DataMA 59800: Properly Proximal Gr And VNaMA 59800: Modeling Of Biological SystemsMA 59800: Analysis In Hyperbolic SpaceMA 59800: SLE Student SeminarMA 59800: Stable Homotopy TheoryMA 59800: Lars HormanderMA 59800: Properly Proximal VNa And GrMA 59800: Tomographic Wavefront SensingMA 59800: Function FieldsMA 59800: Inverse Scattering ProblemsMA 59800: Introduction To PDEMA 59800: Hilbert Transform On 2D PlaneMA 59800: SievesMA 59800: Readings In Algebraic GeometryMA 59800: Math Elem Quantum Physics IIMA 59800: Fractional Harmonic Maps 271MA 59800: Commutative AlgebraMA 59800: Von Neumann Algebras Topics IIMA 59800: Algebraic Number TheoryMA 59800: Topics On PDEMA 59800: Topics In PDEsMA 59800: Topics In O-MinimalityMA 59800: Reading In Algebraic K-TheoryMA 59800: Topics In AnalysisMA 59800: Topics In Fluid Dynamics 2MA 59800: Topics In Harmonic AnalysisMA 59800: Topics In Von Neumann AlgebrasMA 59800: Topics In Random Walks IIIMA 59800: Advanced TopicsMA 59800: Reading CourseMA 59800: Independent Reading In LIDARMA 59800: Von Neumann Algebras Topics IMA 59800: Topics In Elliptic PDEsMA 59800: Reading Course In AGMA 59800: Topics In Operator SystemsMA 59800: Topics In ProbabilityMA 59800: Reading In HodgeMA 59800: Topics In PDEMA 59800: Topics In Number TheoryMA 59800: Reading In TopologyMA 59800: Topics In P-adic Hodge TheoryMA 59800: Cohen-Macaulay RingsMA 59800: Reading In Hodge TheoryMA 59800: Automorphic Representation SemMA 59800: Geometric Analysis SeminarMA 59800: Alg Groups Class Field TheoryMA 59800: Commutative Alg Student SemMA 59800: Abstract Algebra Prob SessionMA 59800: Topology And Its ApplicationsMA 59800: Mazur's Eisenstein Ideal SemMA 59800: Mathematical Data ScienceMA 59800: Infinite Dimension Lie AlgebraMA 59800: Differential TopologyMA 59800: Real Analysis Problem SessionMA 59800: Higher Category TheoryMA 59800: Operator Alg Student SeminarMA 59800: Deep Reinforcement LearningMA 59800: Graduate Student Analysis SemMA 59800: GGTD Learning SeminarMA 59800: Introduction To K-theoryMA 59800: Industrial MathematicsMA 59800: Junior Probability SeminarMA 59800: Intro To Optimal TransportMA 59800: Moduli Spcs & Algebraic StacksMA 59800: Real Algebraic GeometryMA 59800: Wave EquationsMA 59800: Bridge To Research SemMA 59800: Topology Student SeminarMA 59800: Spectral Scattering Theory SemMA 59800: Electrodynamics MultiphaseMA 59800: PDE SeminarMA 59800: Algebraic K-theoryMA 59800: Student ColloquiumMA 59800: Probability PursuitsMA 59800: Large DeviationsMA 59800: Math Theory Apps Deep LearningMA 59800: Student Topology SeminarMA 59800: PANTHA SeminarMA 59800: Topological Data AnalysisMA 59800: Topology SeminarMA 59800: Intro To Mathematical BiologyMA 59800: Spectral And Scattering SemMA 59800: Category TheoryMA 59800: Calderon-Zygmund Theory ApplsMA 59800: Student AG Problem-Solving SemMA 59800: Discrete Jungle Num Thry AnlysMA 59800: Basic Skills WorkshopMA 59800: Spectral Method Comp Fluid DynMA 59800: Probability SeminarMA 59800: Math HistoryMA 59800: Mathematical Data Science SemMA 59800: Math ColloquiumMA 59800: Introduction To SchemesMA 59800: Loop & Config Spaces & OperadsMA 59800: Math/Phys SeminarMA 59800: Junior Analysis SeminarMA 59800: CCAM SeminarMA 59800: Arithmetic Harmonic AnalysisMA 59800: Rep Theory Lie Algebras & GrpsMA 59800: Grad Student Analysis SemMA 59800: Math Quantum InformationMA 59800: Operator Algebras SeminarMA 59800: SCAM/CCAM Lunch SeminarMA 59800: Junior Operator Algebras SemMA 59800: Uncertainty QuantificationMA 59800: Student Probability SeminarMA 59800: Convex OptimizationMA 59800: Combinatorics/Graph Theory SemMA 59800: Learning Number Theory SeminarMA 59800: Analytic Number TheoryMA 59800: Analytic Number Theory IIMA 59800: Commutative Algebra SeminarMA 59800: Random Walks In Random EnvironMA 61100: Methods Of Applied Mathematics IMA 61500: Numerical Methods For Partial Differential Equations IMA 64200: Methods Of Linear And Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations IMA 64300: Methods Of Partial Differential Equations IIMA 65000: Commutative AlgebraMA 66100: Modern Differential GeometryMA 66500: Algebraic GeometryMA 68400: Class Field TheoryMA 69000: Commutative AlgebraMA 69000: Duality Theory & Modules DiffMA 69000: Algebr Geometry III CohomologyMA 69000: Intro To p-adic Hodge TheoryMA 69000: Elliptic CurvesMA 69000: Grobner Bases Commutat AlgebraMA 69000: Perfectoid Spaces Homolog ConjMA 69000: Complete IntersectionsMA 69000: Topics In Commutative AlgebraMA 69000: Positive Characteristic MthdsMA 69000: Intr Lie Grps Lie Algbrs & RepMA 69200: SemiconductorsMA 69200: Matrix Methods For Data SciMA 69200: Fast Matrx Method Data ScienceMA 69200: Struct Randm Matrx ComputationMA 69200: Randomized Numerical Lin AlgMA 69300: Cauchy Transf Potntial ConformMA 69300: Hydrodynamic Eqns Complx FluidMA 69600: Complex Algebraic GeometryMA 69600: Topics In Complex GeometryMA 69600: Topics Kahler–Einstein MetricsMA 69700: Complexity In Quantum TopologyMA 69700: Intro Qntm Invrnts Vol CnjctrsMA 69700: Bounded CohomologyMA 69700: Hochschild And Cyclic HomologyMA 69700: Mapping Class GroupsMA 69900: Research PhD Thesis

BoilerClassesis an unofficial catalog for Purdue courses made by Purdue students, based in West Lafayette, Indiana. We'd love to hear your feedback!