MA 16500: Analytic Geometry And Calculus I

4 Credits

Fall 2024LectureRecitationQuantitative Reasoning
Fall 2024 Instructors(2)
Kenji Matsuki
Susitha Karunaratne

Introduction to differential and integral calculus of one variable, with applications. Conic sections. Designed for students who have had at least a one-semester calculus course in high school, with a grade of "A" or "B", but are not qualified to enter MA 16200 or 16600, or the advanced placement courses MA 27100. Demonstrated competence in college algebra and trigonometry. CTL:IMA 1602 Calculus - Long I

Course MA 165 from Purdue University - West Lafayette.

Course Overview

Course GPA

GPA: 2.92
Grade Distribution% of Students
A: 33%
B: 33%
C: 27%
D: 5%
F: 1%

Data Averaged From:

Instructors43 instructors
Semesters4 semesters

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Spring 2025 Schedule:


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