MA 55300: Introduction To Abstract Algebra

3 Credits

Spring 2025Lecture
Spring 2025 Instructors(1)
Saugata Basu

Group theory: Sylow theorems, Jordan Hlder theorem, solvable groups. Ring theory: unique factorization in polynomial rings and principal ideal domains. Field theory: ruler and compass constructions, roots of unity, finite fields, Galois theory, solvability of equations by radicals.

Course MA 553 from Purdue University - West Lafayette.

Saugata Basu

Course Overview

Course GPA

GPA: 3.18
Grade Distribution% of Students
A: 42%
B: 38%
C: 16%
D: 3%

Data Averaged From:

Instructors4 instructors
Semesters6 semesters

Saugata Basu - Metrics


Average GPA

No rating


No rating data available for this instructor

% Grade Distribution

1 instructor selected

No data available

Saugata Basu has no grade distribution data.

GPA Trends

1 instructor selected

No data available

Saugata Basu has no GPA data.

Spring 2025 Schedule:


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