SLHS Courses

SLHS 11000: Exploring The Science And Practice Of Speech, Language, And Hearing SciencesSLHS 11500: Introduction To Communicative DisordersSLHS 13000: Perception, Action, And Cognition In The Speech, Language, And Hearing SciencesSLHS 21500: Exploring Audiology And Hearing ScienceSLHS 22700: Elements Of LinguisticsSLHS 30100: Introduction To Cognitive NeuroscienceSLHS 30200: Hearing ScienceSLHS 30300: Anatomy And Physiology Of The Speech MechanismSLHS 30600: Introduction To PhoneticsSLHS 30900: Language DevelopmentSLHS 40100: Language And The BrainSLHS 40200: Introduction To Hearing Loss Treatment And ManagementSLHS 40300: PsycholinguisticsSLHS 40600: Introduction To Neurodegenerative DisordersSLHS 40700: Culturally And Linguistically Diverse Children With Communication DisordersSLHS 40800: Introduction To Voice, Upper Airway, And Swallowing DisordersSLHS 40900: Introduction To The Neural Bases Of Speech And HearingSLHS 41100: Speech Vs Sign: Perception, Production, StructureSLHS 41800: Understanding AutismSLHS 41900: Sign Vs SpeechSLHS 41900: Intro To Neurodegen DisordersSLHS 41900: Intro To Hearing LossSLHS 41900: Introduction To DisordersSLHS 41900: End Of Life Care & ManagementSLHS 41900: Evolution Of LanguageSLHS 41900: Diverse Children With Comm DisSLHS 41900: Intro To Neural Bases Spch/HrgSLHS 41900: SLHS InternshipSLHS 42000: Introduction To Developmental Speech And Language DisordersSLHS 43000: Speech-Language Disorders In Health Care SettingsSLHS 44400: Introduction To Research In Communication Sciences And DisordersSLHS 44900: Introduction To Clinical Practice In Communication DisordersSLHS 46000: Assessment Audiology And Aural Rehabilitation Across The LifespanSLHS 49000: Directed Study Special ProblemsSLHS 49800: EAR LabSLHS 49800: Aphasia LabSLHS 49800: Undrg Res Exp-Shadr Lab-HonorsSLHS 49800: Undergraduate Research ExperienceSLHS 49800: Undergrad ResearchSLHS 49800: HSCI Undergraduate ResearchSLHS 49800: I-EaT Swallowing Research LabSLHS 49800: SLHS Undergrad Res ExpSLHS 50100: Neural Bases Of Speech And HearingSLHS 50200: Fundamentals Of Speech Production And PerceptionSLHS 50300: Auditory PerceptionSLHS 50401: The Auditory PeripherySLHS 50601: Neural Bases Of HearingSLHS 51800: Counseling In Speech-Language Pathology And AudiologySLHS 51900: Aug & Alt CommunicationSLHS 51900: Evaluating ResearchSLHS 51900: Aural Rehab Children & AdultsSLHS 51900: Fnd Auditry Neurl ProcSLHS 51900: Evidence Based Practice IISLHS 51900: Cl Prc Sp Lang Path ISLHS 51900: School MethodsSLHS 51900: Language & Communication ASDSLHS 51900: Speech Disorders In ChildrenSLHS 51900: Aud Periphery SysSLHS 51900: Hearing Aids Sem IISLHS 51900: Vestibular Assmt&RehabSLHS 51900: Cog Com DisordersSLHS 51900: Evaluating Research (EBP1)SLHS 51900: Intro To Dev Cogn NeuroscienceSLHS 52101: Speech Disorders In ChildrenSLHS 52200: Language Disorders Of Exceptional ChildrenSLHS 52300: Language Disorders In Children: Basic PrinciplesSLHS 52501: Language And Communication In Autism Spectrum DisordersSLHS 52900: Stuttering: Nature, Diagnosis, And TreatmentSLHS 53100: Language Disorders In AdultsSLHS 53200: Voice DisordersSLHS 53300: Medical Speech-Language PathologySLHS 53800: Motor Disorders Of SpeechSLHS 53900: DysphagiaSLHS 54001: Augmentative And Alternative Communication (AAC)SLHS 54100: Cognitive Communication DisordersSLHS 54300: Assessment And Treatment Of Literacy DisordersSLHS 54401: School-Clinical Methods In Communication DisordersSLHS 54600: Clinical Seminar In Speech-Language PathologySLHS 54900: Clinical Practice In Speech-Language Pathology ISLHS 55300: Implantable DevicesSLHS 56000: Audiologic DiagnosticsSLHS 56100: Medical AudiologySLHS 56300: Pediatric AudiologySLHS 56300: Pediatric AuditorySLHS 56300: Pediatric Auditory AssessmentSLHS 56400: Hearing Aids ISLHS 56700: Auditory Evoked Responses ISLHS 57000: Hearing ConservationSLHS 57401: Hearing Aids IISLHS 57700: Auditory Evoked Responses IISLHS 57900: Clinical Practice In AudiologySLHS 58800: Evaluating Research In Evidence-Based PracticeSLHS 59000: Disseminating ResearchSLHS 59000: Directed Study Of Special ProblemsSLHS 59000: Hearing Conservation At PurdueSLHS 59000: NeuroSLHS 61900: PhD Professional DevelopmentSLHS 61900: Research & Professional IssuesSLHS 61900: Eye Tracking Methodology & AppSLHS 61900: Seminars In Hearing ResearchSLHS 61900: Scientific WritingSLHS 61900: Cog & Ling Network ModelingSLHS 61900: Grant WritingSLHS 61900: SHINES Profess Pract SeminarSLHS 61900: Integrative AuD Grand RoundsSLHS 61900: Integrative Grand RoundsSLHS 61900: Res & Prof IssuesSLHS 61900: IPE-SHINESSLHS 61900: Pediatric Feeding& SwallowingSLHS 61900: Advanced Med AuDSLHS 61900: SLHS PhD Professional DvlpmntSLHS 64800: Speech-Language Pathology Education ExternshipSLHS 64900: Speech-Language Pathology Healthcare ExternshipSLHS 65900: Audiology Practice ManagementSLHS 66100: Advanced Medical AudiologySLHS 67000: Integrative Audiology Grand RoundsSLHS 67900: Advanced Clinical Practice In AudiologySLHS 68800: Research Integration And Dissemination For Evidence Based PracticeSLHS 69000: Lab ResearchSLHS 69000: Dir Study Spec ProbSLHS 69000: Homeland Soundscape PerceptionSLHS 69000: Directed Study Of Special ProblemsSLHS 69800: Research MS ThesisSLHS 69900: Research PhD Thesis

BoilerClassesis an unofficial catalog for Purdue courses made by Purdue students, based in West Lafayette, Indiana. We'd love to hear your feedback!