PSY Courses
PSY 10000: Introduction To The Science And Fields Of Psychology
PSY 12000: Elementary Psychology
PSY 12300: Beyond Mental Health: The Science Of Well-Being
PSY 20000: Intro Cogn Psych-Honors
PSY 20000: Introduction To Cognitive Psychology
PSY 20100: Introduction To Statistics In Psychology
PSY 20300: Introduction To Research Methods In Psychology
PSY 22200: Introduction To Behavioral Neuroscience
PSY 23099: Cooperative Education Seminar I
PSY 23500: Child Psychology
PSY 23900: The Psychology Of Women
PSY 24000: Introduction To Social Psychology
PSY 27200: Introduction To Industrial-Organizational Psychology
PSY 29199: Cooperative Experience I
PSY 29200: Lifespan Development
PSY 29299: Cooperative Experience II
PSY 30500: Understanding And Analyzing Psychological Data
PSY 30600: Understanding And Analyzing Experiments
PSY 31000: Sensory And Perceptual Processes
PSY 31100: Human Memory
PSY 31400: Introduction To Learning
PSY 32400: Introduction Cognitive Neuroscience
PSY 32700: Psychology Of Helping
PSY 33500: Stereotyping And Prejudice
PSY 33600: Issues In Developmental Psychology
PSY 33700: Social Cognition
PSY 34200: Introduction To Psychology Of Personality
PSY 35000: Abnormal Psychology
PSY 35000: Abnormal Psychology-Honors
PSY 35200: Introduction To Neuropsychology
PSY 35400: Close Relationships
PSY 36700: Adult Development And Aging
PSY 37600: Attention And Cognitive Control
PSY 38000: Behavior Change Methods
PSY 39000: Sleep Equity Lab
PSY 39000: CHIP Lab
PSY 39000: Applied Cognitive Psychology
PSY 39000: Biobehavioral Development Lab
PSY 39000: Sleep & Developmental Studies
PSY 39000: Research Exp In Psychology
PSY 39000: Food Insecurity Research
PSY 39000: Research Experience In Psychology
PSY 39100: Readings In Psychology
PSY 39100: Readings In Psychology-Honors
PSY 39200: Research Seminar III-Honors
PSY 39200: Positive Work Psychology
PSY 39200: Ostracism Rejection&Exclusion
PSY 39200: Neurogenetic Syndromes
PSY 39200: Psyc Of Climate Crisis
PSY 39200: Judgement And Decision Making
PSY 39200: Diversity And Inclusion
PSY 39200: Intro To Clinical Psychology
PSY 39200: Psychology Of Gender
PSY 39200: Eating Disorders & Obesity
PSY 39200: Belonging And Exclusion
PSY 39200: Data Mining
PSY 39200: Psychology Of Trauma
PSY 39200: Judgment And Decision Making
PSY 39200: Augmenting Human Cognition
PSY 39200: Cultural Psychology
PSY 39200: Psychology Of Helping
PSY 39200: Neurodevelopmental Differences
PSY 39200: Beh/Neural Sys Learn & Mem
PSY 39200: Intro Bayesian Statistics
PSY 39200: Social Neuroscience
PSY 39200: Psychology Of Climate Change
PSY 39200: Psy Of Neurogenetic Synd
PSY 39200: Psy Of The Climate Crisis
PSY 39200: Spec Data Topics In Psy
PSY 39200: Psy Of Workplace Tech
PSY 39200: Clinical Health Psy
PSY 39399: Cooperative Experience III
PSY 39699: Professional Practice Internship
PSY 39800: Independent Research In Psychology
PSY 39800: Independent Psy Research
PSY 40100: Language And The Brain
PSY 40300: Psycholinguistics
PSY 40400: Honors Research Seminar I
PSY 40500: Honors Research Seminar II
PSY 41800: Understanding Autism
PSY 42100: Alcohol Use And Disorders
PSY 42200: Genes and Behavior
PSY 42600: Language Development
PSY 42800: Drugs And Behavior
PSY 42900: Hormones And Behavior
PSY 43200: Social Psychology In Film
PSY 43600: Foods And Behavior
PSY 43700: Behavioral And Neural Systems Of Learning And Memory
PSY 43800: Introduction To Clinical Psychology
PSY 46400: Research Ethics In Psychological Sciences
PSY 47300: Selection And Performance Appraisal In Organizations
PSY 47500: Work Motivation And Job Satisfaction
PSY 48400: The Psychology Of Consciousness
PSY 49200: Internship In Psychology
PSY 49800: Behavioral Neuroscience Study
PSY 49800: Perceptions Of Warmth Study
PSY 49800: Energy Balance & Neurobiology
PSY 49800: Senior Research-Honors
PSY 49800: Senior Research
PSY 50600: Professional Issues And Trends In Social Psychology
PSY 50700: Current Readings In Social Psychology
PSY 51100: Psychophysics
PSY 51200: Neural Systems
PSY 51300: Introduction To Computational Cognitive Neuroscience
PSY 51400: Introduction To Mathematical Psychology
PSY 51500: Neuroscience Of Consciousness
PSY 52200: An Introduction To Pediatric Psychology
PSY 55600: Job Design
PSY 57700: Human Factors In Engineering
PSY 58100: Neuroethics
PSY 59100: Teaching Psychology
PSY 59100: Intro To Dev Cogn Neuroscience
PSY 59100: Foundations Of Clinical Psych
PSY 59100: Family Violence
PSY 59100: Pychology Of Gender
PSY 59100: Diversity Science
PSY 59100: Ostracism
PSY 59100: Theories In Social Psy
PSY 60000: Statistical Inference
PSY 60300: Psychopharmacology
PSY 60500: Applied Multivariate Analysis
PSY 60600: Tpcs Psychological Measurement
PSY 60601: ANOVA For The Behavioral Sciences
PSY 60700: Scaling And Measurement
PSY 60800: Measurement Theory And The Interpretation Of Data
PSY 60901: Multilevel Modeling
PSY 61000: Multivariate Analysis In The Behavioral Sciences
PSY 61501: Systems And Behavioral Neuroscience
PSY 61601: Neurobiology Of Brain Disorders
PSY 62101: Genes, Brain And Behavior
PSY 62400: Human Learning And Memory
PSY 62601: Bayesian Statistics For Psychological Sciences
PSY 62800: Perceptual Processes
PSY 62901: fMRI Design And Analysis
PSY 63000: Stereotyping And Prejudice
PSY 63100: Multiple Regression Analysis For The Behavioral Sciences
PSY 63300: Animal Models Feeding Behavior
PSY 63300: Animal Models Of Feed
PSY 63300: Pro Seminar Cognitive/ MCP
PSY 63300: Pro Seminar Cognitive
PSY 63300: Augmenting Human Cognition
PSY 63300: Computational Mdls Learn & Mem
PSY 63700: Human Information Processing
PSY 64000: Survey Of Social Psychology I
PSY 64200: Social Influence
PSY 64300: Attitudes And Attitude Change
PSY 64400: Close Relationships
PSY 64700: Group Processes And Performance
PSY 66700: Clinical Assessment I
PSY 66800: Clinical Assessment II
PSY 66900: Prosocial Behavior
PSY 67000: Principles And Techniques Of Psychotherapy
PSY 67300: Psychology Of Behavior Disorders
PSY 67400: Structural Equation Modeling
PSY 67510: Research Methods In Clinical Psychological Sciences
PSY 67900: Test/Assessment Prac
PSY 67900: Assessment Prac
PSY 67900: Child & Family Treatment
PSY 67900: Adult Behavior Disorders Prac
PSY 67900: Child/Fam Treatment Prac
PSY 67900: Adult Disorders Practicum
PSY 67900: Adv Outside Pract Clin
PSY 67900: Testing & Assessment Practice
PSY 67900: Child Behvr Disord Prc
PSY 67900: Testing & Assessment Practicum
PSY 68000: Survey Of Industrial Psych
PSY 68000: Survey Of Ind/Org Psy
PSY 68020: Survey Of Organizational Psychology
PSY 68100: Res Mthds II I/O Psy
PSY 68100: Sem Res Mthd Ind/Org Psy I
PSY 68120: Research Methods In Industrial-Organizational Psychology II
PSY 68200: Self Regulation Goals & Motiv
PSY 68200: Culture And Diversity At Work
PSY 68300: Commitment & Withdrwl Workplc
PSY 68300: Training
PSY 68800: Research Methods In Social Psychology
PSY 69000: Individual Research In Psychology
PSY 69100: Clinical Intervention Research
PSY 69100: Readings In Psychology
PSY 69200: Problem Solving And Creativity
PSY 69200: MCCS Area Seminar
PSY 69200: Clinical Sem Research Mthds
PSY 69200: Minority Issues & Ethics
PSY 69200: Cognitive Neuroscience
PSY 69200: Collab Future Work
PSY 69200: Clinical Area Meeting
PSY 69200: Intro Cognitive Neurosci
PSY 69200: Neuroeconomics & Dec Mkng
PSY 69200: Open Science
PSY 69200: Psychology Of Gender
PSY 69200: Affective Cognitive Bases Beh
PSY 69200: Ethics & Supervis/Consult
PSY 69200: MCP Area Seminar
PSY 69200: Cog & Affectve Bases Of Beh
PSY 69200: Developmental Psychopathology
PSY 69200: Seminar In Learning Theory
PSY 69200: Clinical Sem Research Methods
PSY 69200: Cog Neuro Of Unconstr Thought
PSY 69200: Ind/Org Pro Seminar
PSY 69200: Skill Aqui Expert Achve
PSY 69200: Topics In Cog Neuro
PSY 69200: Open Science Practices In Psy
PSY 69200: Ethnic Minority Iss Clin Psy
PSY 69200: Pro-Sem Clinical Psy
PSY 69600: Seminar In Neuroscience
PSY 69700: Clinical Psychology Internship
PSY 69800: Research MS Thesis
PSY 69900: Research PhD Thesis
is an
unofficial catalog
for Purdue courses made by Purdue students,
based in
West Lafayette, Indiana
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