HONR Courses

HONR 19900: Research ThinkingHONR 19900: The Presidential SeminarHONR 19901: Honors First Yr Experience IHONR 19901: The Evolution Of IdeasHONR 19902: The Evolution Of Ideas IIHONR 19902: Honors First Yr Experience IIHONR 19903: Interdisciplinary Approaches In WritingHONR 22000: Community Of InquiryHONR 22100: Exploring PlaceHONR 22200: Solutions Lab Global:Brzl/PeruHONR 22200: Solutions Lab Global: TaiwanHONR 22200: Solutions Lab Global: ItalyHONR 29500: Urban Devt In Greater LafayettHONR 29500: Print Bay TrainingHONR 29500: Lead Forward Fellowship IVHONR 29500: Researching Old Naval ObsHONR 29500: Lead Forward For Social ImpactHONR 29500: Documenting Black HeritageHONR 29500: Platen Press ManuelHONR 29500: Innovation Forum DesignHONR 29500: Leadership Retreat Tch AsstHONR 29500: Leadership Praxis IIHONR 29500: Lead Forward Fellowship IIIHONR 29500: Innovation Forum Art & DesignHONR 29500: Lead Forward FellowshipHONR 29500: Executive LeadershipHONR 29500: Strategic CommunicationsHONR 29500: User ExperienceHONR 29500: Service-Learning AfghanistanHONR 29500: Bad ArtHONR 29500: Print Bay DevelopmentHONR 29500: TREKS Smart HouseHONR 29500: Complicated LegaciesHONR 29500: Documenting Black HistoryHONR 29500: Lead Forward Fellowship IIHONR 29500: Teamwork LevelUpHONR 29500: Poetry ChapbookHONR 29500: OCEANIC Research ProjectHONR 29500: Asset Mapping WorkshopHONR 29500: Innov Forum Art & Design IIHONR 29900: Research Accelerator MentorsHONR 29900: Foundations Of MentorshipHONR 29900: Leadership PraxisHONR 29900: Nonprofits & PhilanthropyHONR 29900: C3 Game JamHONR 29900: Contextualizing Youth LearningHONR 29900: Modern EugenicsHONR 29900: Public Powered ResearchHONR 29900: Print Bay Immersive IIHONR 29900: The Gilded Age In ChicagoHONR 29900: Biodiversity In Our BackyardHONR 29900: Public Art & PlacemakingHONR 29900: Print Bay ImmersiveHONR 29900: Jazz In NOLAHONR 29900: Honors Leadership RetreatHONR 29900: Purdue Sports Through The YrsHONR 29900: Elections & CampaignsHONR 29900: Exploring IndigeneityHONR 29900: The Guilded Age In ChicagoHONR 29900: Life: A User's GuideHONR 29900: R1 MentorsHONR 29900: Honors Leadership ExperienceHONR 29900: Solutions Lab GlobalHONR 29900: Health, Tech & EquityHONR 29900: RI MentorsHONR 29900: BorderlandsHONR 29900: High Tech EntrepreneurshipHONR 29900: Science Of TeamworkHONR 29900: Social Impact In ActionHONR 29900: Lead For Social ImpactHONR 29900: Lead Forward PracticeHONR 29900: Leonardo daVinciHONR 29900: Open ScienceHONR 29900: Solutions Lab Global: ItalyHONR 29900: Lead Forward FellowshipHONR 29900: Solutions Lab Global: BrazilHONR 29900: Visiting Leaders SeminarHONR 29900: Research NetworksHONR 29900: The Dean's SeminarHONR 29900: Visiting Scholars SeminarHONR 29900: Interdisciplinary Prob SolvingHONR 29900: Research Thinking PortfolioHONR 29900: Research ThinkingHONR 29900: HC Community Of InquiryHONR 29900: Learning Across DifferencesHONR 29901: Interdisciplinary HonorsHONR 31000: Space-Time!HONR 31200: JazzHONR 31300: STS: Backyard EcologyHONR 31300: STS: Eugenics Then & NowHONR 31300: STS: Exploring Spatial DataHONR 31300: STS: World BuildingHONR 31300: STS: TechnobodiesHONR 31300: STS: Sonic BiodiversityHONR 31300: STS: Nature-Based SolutionsHONR 31300: STS: Surveillance & SocietyHONR 31400: Human Epoch Housing In The USHONR 31400: Human Epoch: Cmty & InfrastrucHONR 31400: Human Epoch: Life On The CoastHONR 31400: Human Epoch: AnthropoceneHONR 31400: Human Epoch: Mapping HeritageHONR 31400: Human Epoch: Climate SolutionsHONR 31500: Across Diff Redlining In AmerHONR 31500: Across DifferencesHONR 31500: Across Differences: ExileHONR 39500: Critical AI Fairness StudiesHONR 39500: Directed Reading Central AsiaHONR 39500: Gene Editing In MediaHONR 39500: Executive LeadershipHONR 39500: Anthropocene Writing GroupHONR 39900: Bollywood TodayHONR 39900: Music As A ChariotHONR 39900: Diplomacy LabHONR 39900: Sports & PoliticsHONR 39900: Race In American Popular MusicHONR 39900: Sustainable Development GoalsHONR 39900: Beyond AfghanistanHONR 39900: Engineering Health EquityHONR 39900: Principles Of NetworksHONR 39900: Drug AddictionHONR 39900: Exploring Bio Through PokemonHONR 39900: Nature-Inspired DesignHONR 39900: Infrastructure And The SensesHONR 39900: Exile And BanishmentHONR 39900: Designing A Sustainable FutureHONR 39900: The Information SocietyHONR 39900: The AnthropoceneHONR 39900: Animals, Culture & SocietyHONR 39900: Learning At Purdue: The AI EraHONR 39900: Solving Health Care ChallengesHONR 39900: 3D-Printed Houses For AllHONR 39900: Media, Equity, Elec VehiclesHONR 39900: Pets And SocietyHONR 39900: Grades: Meaning & ConstructionHONR 39900: Storytelling With DataHONR 39900: Responses To Climate ChangeHONR 39900: Judgment & Decision MakingHONR 39900: Animals, Society & EducationHONR 39900: Video & The Gig EconomyHONR 39900: Leadership In HealthHONR 39900: Human RedesignHONR 39900: Environmental JusticeHONR 39900: Well-BeingHONR 39900: NudgeHONR 39900: Autism Spectrum DisorderHONR 39900: Geospatial AnalysisHONR 39900: GeoSpaceHONR 39900: The Nuclear AgeHONR 39900: Global Development ChallengesHONR 39900: Made In PurdueHONR 39900: Scenes Of Crime & DeathHONR 39900: Russian, Rockets & SpaceHONR 39900: ReplicantsHONR 39900: Surveillance And SocietyHONR 39900: Deterrence And DisruptionHONR 39900: Human/Animal Grief ExperiencesHONR 39900: LifeHONR 39900: Security: Technology & SocietyHONR 39900: How We Make PowerHONR 39900: Technological JusticeHONR 39900: Experimentation In Art/SciHONR 39900: The HoloceneHONR 39900: Politics, Cartoons, SatireHONR 39900: Critical Data StudiesHONR 39900: Priv Selves & Public PersonaeHONR 39900: Living With Purpose & ThrivingHONR 39900: World-BuildingHONR 39900: Eugenics: Then & NowHONR 39900: FugitivityHONR 39900: Technology, War, StrategyHONR 39900: #AnonymousHONR 39900: JazzHONR 39900: Disability And TechnoscienceHONR 39900: Quantum ComputingHONR 39900: Spacetime!HONR 39900: Solving The Climate CrisisHONR 39900: High-Speed Problem SolvingHONR 39900: Im/MortalityHONR 39900: Dead MediaHONR 39900: History Of Aerospace TechHONR 39900: Centuries Of WarHONR 39900: The Case For EthicsHONR 46000: Technological JusticeHONR 46100: Well-BeingHONR 46200: Protein Design With FoldItHONR 46300: Research Thinking PortfolioHONR 46400: Scholarly Project: Mod CivicsHONR 46400: Scholarly Project: (Un)GradingHONR 46400: Scholarly Project: NoiseHONR 46400: Scholarly Project: Eco DesignHONR 46400: Scholarly Project: Common PoetHONR 46400: Scholarly Project: CartoonsHONR 46400: Scholarly Project: LearningHONR 46400: Scholarly Project: KnowledgeHONR 46400: Scholarly Project: BookworksHONR 46400: Scholarly Project: DiasporasHONR 46400: Scholarly Project: DeterrenceHONR 46400: Scholarly Project: Map StoriesHONR 49500: Publishing Scholarly WorkHONR 49500: Intercultural Learning OutcomeHONR 49500: Peer Education For DEIBHONR 49500: Global Diversity FrameworkHONR 49500: Community Well BeingHONR 49500: Niches Corridor ProjectHONR 49500: Project OCEANICHONR 49500: Travel In Bollywood FilmsHONR 49500: TREKS Sound Archive IIHONR 49500: Program EvaluationHONR 49500: HIFI Lab Insect ClassifierHONR 49500: JMHC History ProjectHONR 49500: TREKS Castle Pen PalsHONR 49500: HIFI Lab: Wildlife AmbassadorHONR 49500: TREKS Students In Action IIHONR 49500: Puerto Rico & LatCrit TheoryHONR 49500: TREKS Lego IIHONR 49500: Niches CorridorHONR 49500: HiFi Lab Wildlife AmbassadorHONR 49500: TREKS Scholarly Projects IHONR 49500: Dracula As Romantic FigureHONR 49500: Literature & Archives LabHONR 49500: The Ethics Of Music StreamingHONR 49500: Coded Bias In Resume SoftwareHONR 49500: Puerto Rico And LatCrit TheoryHONR 49500: Local HistoryHONR 49500: TREKS Scholarly Project IIHONR 49500: Wildlife AmbassadorsHONR 49500: TREKS City Data IIHONR 49500: Faculty Views Toward AI ToolsHONR 49500: Assessing UG Research ExpHONR 49500: Student-Centered ResearchHONR 49500: Writing Inst ResearchHONR 49500: Bollywood Research ProjectHONR 49500: Institutional Data Research IIHONR 49900: TREKS Engagement IVHONR 49900: TREKS Engagement IIIHONR 49900: TREKS EngagementHONR 49900: Well-BeingHONR 49900: Noise In The EnvironmentHONR 49900: GeoSpaceHONR 49900: COVID-19 In Editorial CartoonsHONR 49900: Institutional Data ResearchHONR 49900: Modern Civics ResearchHONR 49900: Social Impact MakersHONR 49900: Women & Gender RevolutionHONR 49900: Protein Design With FolditHONR 49900: Research In Early Modern PrintHONR 49900: Public Powered ResearchHONR 59901: Research Mentorship Development Program

BoilerClassesis an unofficial catalog for Purdue courses made by Purdue students, based in West Lafayette, Indiana. We'd love to hear your feedback!