ENGR Courses
ENGR 10300: Introduction To Engineering In Practice
ENGR 10301: Comp Methods Of Data Sci Eng
ENGR 10301: Preparing For Success
ENGR 10301: Atoms, Bits And Cells
ENGR 10301: Nanoparticles In Science &Tech
ENGR 10301: Ethics Of Making Fake Vomit
ENGR 10301: Nanotechnology Around Us
ENGR 10301: BIDC Intro To Manufacturing
ENGR 10301: FYE Professional Development
ENGR 10301: GRIT+ Goss Schol & Eng-Honors
ENGR 10301: Keys To Learning
ENGR 10301: Silicon Valley Tech Industry
ENGR 10301: Smart Cities & Infrastructure
ENGR 10301: Intro To Undergrad Research
ENGR 10301: CEM: Leading The Way
ENGR 10301: FYE Honors Project & Prof Dev
ENGR 10301: Careers In Natl Defense Securi
ENGR 10301: Fusion Space Propulsion
ENGR 10301: Intro To Nano & Quantum Techno
ENGR 10301: Sillicon Valley Tech Industry
ENGR 10301: FYE Career Exploration
ENGR 10301: Pharma Careers-Lilly Scholars
ENGR 10301: Defense And National Security
ENGR 10301: Changing The World With Chips
ENGR 10301: Nuclear Eng In Practice
ENGR 10301: Pharma Careers & Drug Dvlpment
ENGR 10301: EWD LC
ENGR 10301: Eng Practic Defense & Security
ENGR 10301: GRIT+ & Engineering-Honors
ENGR 10301: Global Engineering LC
ENGR 10301: Engineering And Climate Change
ENGR 10301: Introduction To Engineering In Practice
ENGR 10301: Pro Practice In Engineering
ENGR 10301: Engr And Public Service
ENGR 13000: Transforming Ideas Into Innovations
ENGR 13100: Transforming Ideas To Innovation I
ENGR 13200: Transforming Ideas To Innovation II
ENGR 13300: Transforming Ideas To Innovation, EPICS
ENGR 16100: Honors Introduction To Innovation And The Physical Science Of Engineering Design I
ENGR 16200: Honors Introduction To Innovation And The Physical Science Of Engineering Design II
ENGR 17920: First Year Participation In Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP)
ENGR 18000: Minorities In Engineering Seminar
ENGR 19400: Women In Engineering Seminar
ENGR 19500: Python Programming
ENGR 23099: Cooperative Education Seminar I
ENGR 27920: Sophomore Participation In Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP)
ENGR 29199: Cooperative Experience I
ENGR 29299: Cooperative Experience II
ENGR 29600: GEARE Pro Experience Prep
ENGR 29600: First-Time Researcher
ENGR 29600: Gender In The World
ENGR 29600: Kiewit Scholar Seminar
ENGR 29600: FY Soph Part In VIP
ENGR 29600: Gender In Belgium And Paris
ENGR 29600: Cross Cultural Lead For Engr
ENGR 29600: Engr Peer Mentor Sem-Honors
ENGR 29600: Numerical Computation In Engr
ENGR 29701: Global Engineering Orientation
ENGR 30500: Fndmtl Invtn Ther&Pract-Honors
ENGR 31000: Engineering In Global Context
ENGR 33099: Cooperative Education Seminar II
ENGR 36199: Learning While Working Part-Time Co-Op I
ENGR 36199: Professional Practice Parallel Co-Op Semester I
ENGR 36299: Learning While Working Part-Time Co-Op II
ENGR 36299: Professional Practice Parallel Co-Op Semester II
ENGR 37920: Junior Participation In Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP)
ENGR 39399: Cooperative Experience III
ENGR 39499: Extensive Cooperative Experience IV
ENGR 39599: Extensive Cooperative Experience V
ENGR 39600: Springer Executive Forum
ENGR 39600: VIP
ENGR 39600: SoCET
ENGR 39600: Health, Tech & Equity-Honors
ENGR 39600: High Tech Entrepreneurship
ENGR 39600: Jr Part In VIP
ENGR 39600: Vehicle Dsgn & Fabrctn
ENGR 39600: Numerical Comput In Eng-Honors
ENGR 39600: Jr Part VIP
ENGR 39600: Wellbeing Ldrsp Div Inclu Engr
ENGR 39602: Undergraduate Experiential Training
ENGR 39603: Undergraduate Experiential Training
ENGR 39697: Global Sustainable Engineering
ENGR 39697: Humanities-Informed Engr Proj
ENGR 39699: Professional Practice Internship
ENGR 39700: Global Engineering Experience
ENGR 39799: GEARE Domestic Internship
ENGR 39899: GEARE Global Internship
ENGR 40400: Instr,Mentorshp&Ldrshp-Honors
ENGR 40400: Instruction, Mentorship And Leadership
ENGR 40600: Engineering Ambassador Leadership Seminar
ENGR 43099: Cooperative Education Seminar III
ENGR 46399: Learning While Working Part-Time Co-Op III
ENGR 46399: Professional Practice Parallel Co-Op Semester III
ENGR 46499: Learning While Working Part-Time Co-Op IV
ENGR 46499: Professional Practice Parallel Co-Op Semester IV
ENGR 47920: Senior Participation In Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP)
ENGR 47921: Senior Design Participation In Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) I
ENGR 47922: Senior Design Participation In Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) II
ENGR 49001: Breakthrough Thinking-Honors
ENGR 49400: Women In Engineering Senior Seminar: Gender In The Workplace
ENGR 49600: Undergraduate Research
ENGR 49600: Vehicle Design & Fabrication
ENGR 49600: Certified Peer Educ Training
ENGR 49600: User Exp Prin& Research-Honors
ENGR 49600: LndWtr&Climat Eng Cntxt-Honors
ENGR 49600: Sr Part In VIP
ENGR 49700: Global Engineering Capstone
ENGR 50000: Global Design Team V
ENGR 50100: Engr Mgmt Grad Prog Sem
ENGR 50200: Engineering Leadership
ENGR 59600: Social Impact Startup Academy
ENGR 59600: Advanced Research
ENGR 59600: Advanced Fracture Mechanics I
ENGR 59600: Advance Research
ENGR 59600: Social Innovation And Business
ENGR 59600: Grad ENGR Communications
ENGR 69199: Professional Practice Graduate Co-Op I
ENGR 69299: Professional Practice Graduate Co-Op II
ENGR 69399: Professional Practice Graduate Co-Op III
ENGR 69499: Professional Practice Graduate Co-Op IV
ENGR 69699: Professional Practice Graduate Internship
is an
unofficial catalog
for Purdue courses made by Purdue students,
based in
West Lafayette, Indiana
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