VM 86600: Pathogenic Bacteria, Viruses, Mayhew, Darwin, And Mendel

1 Credits

Fall 2020Lecture
Fall 2020 Instructors(1)
David Williams

Students will study the golden age of pathogenic bacteriology from the 1860s to the end of the nineteenth century; the discovery of viruses; the development of immunological products; intractable vector-borne hemoprotozoal parasitic diseases; horse-doctoring in the nineteenth century; care of animals used in transport, war and sport; and will conclude with Darwin's natural selection and Mendel's fractional inheritance. Particular attention will be paid to works that help demonstrate man's fascination with animals and their well-being. This course is appropriate for students with no previous study of history or art history. Typically offered Fall Spring.

Course VM 866 from Purdue University - West Lafayette.

David Williams

Course Overview

Course GPA


Data Averaged From:

Instructors0 instructors
Semesters0 semesters

David Williams - Metrics


Average GPA

No rating


No rating data available for this instructor

% Grade Distribution

1 instructor selected

No data available

David Williams has no grade distribution data.

GPA Trends

1 instructor selected

No data available

David Williams has no GPA data.

Spring 2025 Schedule:


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