LC 57300: Methods Of Experimental Research In Linguistics

3 Credits

Spring 2024Lecture
Spring 2024 Instructors(1)
Olga Dmitrieva

The course is an overview of experimental methods used in linguistic research. The goal of the course is to introduce basic concepts, terminology, and procedures associated with experimental research in general, and to survey the types of experiments typically conducted in several major subfields of linguistics, including the associated experiment designs and approaches to data analysis. The course will focus mainly on designing and conducting the experiment, rather than on data analysis, although the data analysis techniques appropriate to the types of data will be briefly discussed whenever possible. The course will also cover additional topics such as ethics of experimental research (preparing an IRB protocol), doing background research, getting funding, choosing the right conference for presenting the results, writing a conference abstract, creating and delivering a conference presentation/poster, and writing up the results for publication.

Course LC 573 from Purdue University - West Lafayette.

Olga Dmitrieva

Course Overview

Course GPA


Data Averaged From:

Instructors0 instructors
Semesters0 semesters

Olga Dmitrieva - Metrics


Average GPA

No rating


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% Grade Distribution

1 instructor selected

No data available

Olga Dmitrieva has no grade distribution data.

GPA Trends

1 instructor selected

No data available

Olga Dmitrieva has no GPA data.

Spring 2025 Schedule:


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