HTM 59001: Graduate Professional Industry Internship

1 Credits

Fall 2024ExperientialIndividual Study
Fall 2024 Instructors(1)

The Graduate Professional Industry Internship allows graduate students to gain valuable experience through paid employment with a company in the hospitality and tourism industry or a related industry. In addition, each student will research an issue and provide a potential solution to a problem faced by the employer. This course is not repeatable without special permission from the HTM Graduate Policy Committee and is only open to HTM graduate students who have completed a minimum of two semesters and 16 hours of graduate coursework in HTM. Credit is not allowed for both HTM 59001 and HTM 59002. Permission from Graduate Professional Industry Internship Coordinator is required to enroll in this course. Permission of instructor required.

Course HTM 59001 from Purdue University - West Lafayette.


Course Overview

Course GPA


Data Averaged From:

Instructors0 instructors
Semesters0 semesters

TBA - Metrics


Average GPA

No rating


No rating data available for this instructor

% Grade Distribution

1 instructor selected

No data available

TBA has no grade distribution data.

GPA Trends

1 instructor selected

No data available

TBA has no GPA data.

Spring 2025 Schedule:


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