HORT 30100: Plant Physiology

4 Credits

Spring 2025LectureLaboratory
GPA: 3.57
Purdue CatalogCatalog

Basic physiological processes of higher plants, particularly as related to the influence of environmental factors on growth, metabolism, and reproduction. Laboratory experiments involve hands-on experience with numerous aspects of plant physiology, including water relations, photosynthesis, growth, dormancy, hormones, and flowering.

Course HORT 301 from Purdue University - West Lafayette.


(BIOL 11000 or BTNY 11000 or BTNY 12000 or BTNY 21000 or BIOL 13100) and (CHM 25500 or CHM 25700 or CHM 26200 or CHE C3410 or CHM 26100 or CHE C3420)

Peter Hirst

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