FNR 64700: Quantitative Methods For Ecologists

3 Credits

Fall 2021Lecture
Fall 2021 Instructors(1)
Robert Swihart

Examines the assumptions and utility of statistical and other data analytic techniques that are encountered commonly or increasingly being used in ecological research. Emphasis is placed on the potential applications of these quantitative methods in an ecological context. Topics include traditional multivariate methods (cluster analysis, principal components, factor analysis, discriminant analysis, multidimensional scaling, correspondence analysis), generalized linear models (logistic, Poisson, and ordinal regression and derivatives), randomization methods, information-theoretic model selection and inference, and hierarchical models. An introduction to Bayesian analysis is provided for generalized linear (and mixed) models, with applications to (meta) population and (meta) community ecology. Prerequisite: BIOL 58210 or ENTM 64200 or STAT 51200, or consent of instructor. Knowledge of linear algebra and experience with R is desirable but not essential. Typically offered Spring.

Course FNR 647 from Purdue University - West Lafayette.


Course Overview

Course GPA

GPA: 3.20
Grade Distribution% of Students
A: 50%
B: 40%
F: 10%

Data Averaged From:

Instructors1 instructor
Semesters1 semester

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Spring 2025 Schedule:


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